10. 3. 2017Besides the eminent National Geographic Award, Slovenia received another award at the ITB Berlin tourism trade show for the Slovenian promotional video.
8. 3. 2017Slovenska turistična organizacija (STO) je v Berlinu v okviru vodilne svetovne turistične borze prejela nagrado World Legacy Award, ki jo podeljuje National Geographic, STO je nagrado osvojila v ...
6. 3. 2017After several months of preparations on the part of the Expert Committee and following close to two months of voting by the Chefs & Foodies Academy as well as by the general public, we finally ...
6. 3. 2017The choreographer and ballet dancer Edward Clug is one of the nominees for one of the most prestigious ballet awards benois de la danse, with his performances The Rite of Spring and Handman.
2. 3. 2017Ob dnevu italijanskega oblikovanja približno 100 ambasadorjev predstavlja svoje delo, procese in izvedbo nekaterih najizvirnejših projektov zadnjih let.
27. 2. 2017The new media awards, spotlights, were won by RTV staff as well - namely Slavko Bobovnik as the best host, and the Vse je mogoče show (Anything is possible) for the most entertaining TV show.
19. 2. 2017"Kriza je bila v ekonomskem smislu za arhitekturni sektor slaba, z vidika ustvarjalnosti pa dobra," je prepričana direktorica Fundacije Mies van der Rohe Anna Ramos.
16. 2. 2017V Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje v Ljubljani v teh dneh nadaljujejo pred letom dni zagnano platformo Future Architecture, s katero odpirajo široko razpravo o arhitekturi.
12. 2. 2017Kar veliko prahu je dvignila odločitev ameriške obveščevalne agencije (Cia), da za protiteroristična prizadevanja tokrat nagradi princa Mohameda bin Najefa, savdskega notranjega ministra in ...
12. 2. 2017Vilim Demšar, a renowned Slovenian professor and violinist who devoted his life to lutherie, the craft of making string instruments, has died at the age of 79. It’s often said that his violins have ...
8. 2. 2017"Slovenians haven't got any luck with politicians. Neither workers, pensioners nor artists, educators and creators – namely, we all belong to the group of the unfortunate ones who've been tricked in ...