15. 4. 2014If Zoran Janković gets elected president at the upcoming congress of the Positive Slovenia party, the Citizens' List will leave the government - MMC finds out from well informed sources close to the ...
11. 4. 2014Ali bo zamenjava Lettermana s Colbertom zadetek v polno ali pa prej fiasko televizije CBS, se zdaj sprašujejo ameriški televizijski analitiki.
10. 4. 2014Iz hiše CBS so sporočili, da bo v čevlje legendarnega voditelja nočne pogovorne oddaje Davida Lettermana, ki se bo upokojil leta 2015, stopil Stephen Colbert.
9. 4. 2014In Slovenia, 85 percent of young people under the age of 29 are still living with their parents. The country tops the list of the EU even overtaking Italy.
28. 3. 2014The report by the Slovene Anti-graft Commission on the extent of work of civil servants in the health sector has shown that many people employed in the health sector have received additional income ...
19. 3. 2014The senate of the High Court in Ljubljana has not yet reached a decision in the Patria case. Once again they listened to the prosecution, and to the convicted persons. Janša claims the trial was ...
17. 3. 2014The answer to the question whether the President of the Civic List and the Interior Minister Gregor Virant intervened at his purchase of cheaper airplane tickets is still unknown.
10. 3. 2014This year’s European Parliament elections are supposed to be like no other before. The official EP election slogan of ‘Act. React. Impact’ is supposed to capture this change: the EP says it now has ...
7. 3. 2014At a meeting yesterday, a report on the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital was discussed. Managers discussed operations last year and forecasts for the future. Managers also presented the results of ...
5. 3. 2014European commission has published a report on in-depth reviews of 17 member states with macroeconomic imbalances. Again it was established that Slovenia continues to experience excessive imbalances, ...
8. 2. 2014"Izgubile smo prijateljici in ideološki somišljenici, je pa svet pridobil pogumni, zanimivi in kontroverzni zagovornici človekovih pravic." Tako se bere odprto pismo skupine Pussy Riot, v katerem ...
3. 2. 2014The European commission published the first EU anti-corruption report today. The commission finds that corruption remains a great challenge for the entire Europe, affecting all member states and ...
1. 2. 2014Ena od pesmi, ki so nominirane za najboljšo izvirno pesem na letošnji podelitvi oskarjev, je bila diskvalificirana, ker je njen skladatelj prekršil pravila kampanje.
27. 1. 2014The annual review of developments in the field of employment and social policy in the EU shows that many employees are poor due to low wages.