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News in English Celje Fokus photography workshop kicks off

4. 7. 2017The 10th edition of the annual Celje Fokus photography workshop officially kicked off on Tuesday.


Dirka po Franciji Kittel dobil uvodni šprint, Froome udeležen v množičen padec

2. 7. 2017Marcel Kittel se je veselil desete etapne zmage na Dirki po Franciji. Nemec je bil najboljši na drugi etapi Toura od Düsseldorfa do Liegea. Rumeno majico je zadržal Geraint Thomas.


News in English Brodka: first spirit made of discarded bread

24. 6. 2017Martin Kržič was practically born into brewing business, as his father owns a spirit distillery in Vrhnika.


News in English Slovenia expects decision on next step in NLB sale by early autumn

22. 6. 2017Slovenia hopes to reach agreement with the European Commission in early autumn on the next step in the sale of the country's largest bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB), Finance Minister Mateja ...


News in English Slovenia is the biggest exporter of foreign workers to the West

13. 6. 2017Numerous workers from the Balkans go to work in Germany or other EU Member States via Slovenia. They are often low-paid, live in terrible conditions, and do not have proper documents.


Kolesarstvo Fuglsang presenetil Porta in osvojil kriterij Dauphine

11. 6. 2017Jakob Fuglsang je postal prvi Danec, ki je dobil kolesarsko dirko kriterij Dauphine. V zadnji etapi, gorski preizkušnji, dolgi 115 km, je presenetil Richieja Porta in mu odnesel končno zmago.


News in English Fruit and wine growers call attention to frost damage

10. 6. 2017The Maribor Agriculture and Forestry Office and the Maribor Biotechnical School have organised an event called the Day of Fruit and Wine Growers.


Kolesarstvo Remek delo Gavirie; Mohorič tri ure med ubežniki

19. 5. 201713. etapa Dirke po Italiji je bila programirana za šprinterje. Po 167 km je v Tortoni roke spet dvignil Fernando Gaviria, ki je tokrat uprizoril izjemen šov.


Kolesarstvo Gaviria kralj šprintov na Giru, Polanc izgubil modro majico

18. 5. 2017Fernando Gaviria je dobil še tretjo etapo v šprintu na letošnji Dirki po Italiji. Rožnato majico je tudi po 12. etapi zadržal Tom Dumoulin.


News in English After eight years MIP to be sold through a Dutch company

16. 5. 2017Marko Zaman, the new official receiver of MIP, signed a deal on the sale of MIP's bankruptcy assets with the Troostwijk Auctions company. The court gave its approval for the deal.


Kolesarstvo Dumoulin po kronometru trdno v rožnatem, kaznovani Tratnik 11.

16. 5. 2017Nizozemski kolesar Tom Dumoulin je pričakovano zmagal na 10. etapi Dirke po Italiji, nekaj manj kot 40 km dolgem kronometru od Foligna do Montefalca v Umbriji.


Kolesarstvo Jan Polanc utegne prevzeti vlogo kapetana svoje ekipe

15. 5. 2017Medtem ko so nekateri favoriti Gira na prost ponedeljek celili rane nedeljske etape, je rožnati Nairo Quintana misli že preusmeril k torkovi uri resnice. Vzpon na Blockhaus


News in English Slovenia set to become a high-tech society

14. 5. 2017The first initiatives for Slovenian membership of the European nuclear research organisation, CERN, date back to 1992, and formal activity towards membership to 2009.

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