17. 7. 2015Seven years ago, when the Ljubljana Stock Exchange was sold to the Viennese, it recorded an income of almost 5 million euros. Last year its income stood at almost two million euros.
5. 7. 2015At the centre of Slovenia’s Notranjska region, you can find Lake Cerknica, where the world of the karst reveals all its beauties. It can be found? Well, if you can.
13. 4. 2015The Institute for Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD) agrees with the projections released by other institutions: Economic indicators are on the upswing, while current GDP growth seems to ...
3. 4. 2015The Prodigy – glasbene legende angleškega Essexa ali … bolje povedano (napisano): glasbene legende iz Essexa, so ta teden izdali šesti studijski album The Day Is My Enemy.
31. 3. 2015At his official visit to Slovenia the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan emphasized that Slovenia is a friendly country, and that cooperation between the two countries could grow stronger, ...
31. 12. 2014This year's market developments in the sale of apartments and houses shows that the second bottom of the crisis was hit at the end of 2013.
15. 12. 2014È stato presentato a Trieste, nella sede dell'Associazione delle Comunità Istriane, il volume riveduto e ampliato della giornalista triestina Viviana Facchinetti dal titolo "Protagonisti senza ...
11. 12. 2014Presentato ieri sera presso la Comunità degli Italiani di Capodistria il volume "Proverbi Istriani" di Flavio Forlani, realizzato nell'ambito del progetto europeo Jezik-Lingua
19. 11. 2014La storia della letteratura italiana di Capodistria, Isola e Pirano racchiusa in un volume, fresco di stampa, che è stato presentato nella sala del Consiglio comunale di Capodistria.
5. 10. 2014Kolektiv United Visual Artists je v sodelovanju s skupino Massive Attack ustavil svetlobno-zvočno instalacijo, ki se odziva na gibanje obiskovalcev.
3. 10. 2014It seems some of the mayors have skilfully used municipality media for their own promotion before this year's local elections. Persecutors of corruption warn that it is non-regulated, i.e. grey zone.
23. 9. 2014The prices of real estate are still dropping – the prices of new dwellings have almost reached the lowest level, and the prices of existing dwellings are actually the lowest since the beginning of ...