25. 2. 2017The Ljubljana Dramatic Society was a pioneer of modern Slovenian theatre; It has thus witnessed three important stages in its history: the early organisation of theatrical practices, their ...
13. 2. 2017Danes mineva 100 let od rojstva gledališkega in filmskega režiserja, igralca in dramaturga Jožeta Babiča, ob tej priložnosti se ga spominjajo z več dogodki.
11. 1. 2017In the Cankar Hall, the first months of the new year are dedicated to one of the greatest novel writers of all times - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.
27. 11. 2016Slovenski klasiki 1, s katerimi je Boštjan Gorenc slovenske literarne klasike preselil na družbena omrežja, so knjiga leta 2016 po izboru obiskovalcev Slovenskega knjižnega sejma.
27. 11. 2016Have you ever thought of reading something written by a Slovenian? It’s always hard to choose, but here are ten of the best Slovene authors and their works.
27. 11. 2016This Saturday Ljubljana's first electric road train called Urban made its first regular trip on a new circular tourist route, which connects the key sights of Ljubljana, including those outside the ...