22. 1. 2014After a number of Olympic committees, among them also Slovenia's, received threats ahead of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) declared that the threats ...
21. 1. 2014RTV Slovenia posted a profit last year. The national broadcaster ended the year 150,000 euros in the black. The number of people paying their RTV fee increased to a record number.
20. 1. 2014Podelitev nagrad ceha ameriških filmskih producentov (Producers Guild Awards) se je prvič v zgodovini prireditve končala z neodločenim izidom: lento najboljšega filma si tako delita drami ...
20. 1. 2014A fire broke out in the building of the Slovenian Embassy in Moscow. According to a report by Radio Slovenia the fire only caused property damage, as it could quickly be extinguished by ...
17. 1. 2014"It's a shame that in Slovenia there are people on the road which should not have been given a driving licence," said Minister Omerzel at presentation of the findings of the extraordinary ...
17. 1. 2014The leading group in the fight against human trafficking for the Council of Europe published a report. The report notes that Slovenia is mainly a transit country for human trafficking. But ...
16. 1. 2014The Basketball Federation of Slovenia today published its final financial report on the EuroBasket European Basketball Championship that was carried out in September 2013 in Slovenia.
16. 1. 2014RTV Slovenia reporter Eugenija Carl was named Slovenian Woman of 2013 by readers of the magazine Jana. She has broken numerous stories, including the illegal villa of the former president's brother ...
15. 1. 2014The threat to national security due to extremist groups in Slovenia is relatively low, but the situation can change quite quickly, says Peter Umek, Professor at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and ...
14. 1. 2014Beyonce je napisala odprto pismo, v katerem je jasno in glasno povedala svoje mnenje o enakosti med spoloma: "To je mit, nehajte mu nasedati!"
10. 1. 2014The deadline to report capital gains to the tax office is February 28. However, people who did not sell any shares but had shares cancelled in the banks NKBM, NLB, Abanka, Probanka, and Factor Bank ...
8. 1. 2014“Crime investigators were interested in the contract for Stožice, which I explained,” said the mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Janković after an hour-long questioning at the National Investigation Bureau ...
19. 12. 2013Social dialogue was highlighted as one of the priorities by the current government at the start of its term. A year later all initiatives for “civil disobedience” seem to have faded away, together ...
16. 12. 2013"Film je verjetno edina stalnica mojega življenja. Ko sam bil mlajši (v Ameriki) sem med idole štel velike kritike tistega časa (Pauline Kael, Andrew Sarris itn.). Mislim, da je bila to, kar sem ...