7. 12. 2013Friday's presentation of the interim report showed that they are researching a 346 million euros loss. Police and prosecution have made 37 criminal complaints for more than 70 million euros damages.
3. 12. 2013Slovenia fell six spots in the latest corruption perception index report by Transparency International. The country recorded one of the biggest drops in the world.
30. 11. 2013The NKBM group had almost 67 million euros pure loss in the first nine months of the year. This is a third less losses than it had the same time last year.
29. 11. 2013The whole senate of the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption has resigned. According to commission chairman Goran Klemenčič the senate didn’t resign out of despair, lack of power or pressure ...
27. 11. 2013The purpose of the courses of safe driving for new drivers is to show them they don't know enough. While in driving schools the instructors keep praising students, and a young driver drives faster ...
25. 11. 2013Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. A 16-day international action aimed at combating violence against women kicks off today also in Slovenia. A number of ...
20. 11. 2013Raiffeisen Bank International may increase capital at its Slovenian unit by about 10 million euros to help counter "worsening macroeconomic conditions", the Austrian lender said on Wednesday.
15. 11. 2013Alenka Bratušek, Igor Lukšič and Gregor Virant, the presidents of the coalition parties, are very satisfied with positive reactions from Brussels on confirmation of the budget.
14. 11. 2013The European Commission again pointed to Slovenia as a country with economic imbalances. It released its report of 16 countries, and for the third time included Slovenia as a candidate for in-depth ...
5. 11. 2013Human-like robots made by the Japanese professor Hiroshi Ishiguro break the boundaries between man and machine. Technology allows us to overcome our physical limitations and we should not fear it.
15. 10. 2013The new law on gender equality plans to introduce a balanced representation of men and women in state and local administration. The representation is balanced when each gender is represented by at ...
15. 10. 2013Novi zakon o enakosti žensk in moških predvideva uravnoteženo zastopanost moških in žensk v vseh državnih in lokalnih organih. Uravnoteženost pomeni, da je vsak spol zastopan z vsaj 40 odstotki.
10. 10. 2013Revija Vanity Fair je izdala seznam 25 najmogočnejših vplivnežev in inovatorjev leta 2013, z vso konkurenco pa sta pometla slavna zakonca iz sveta glasbe, Beyonce in Jay Z.