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Iskanje • award

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Vilenica Jana Bodnárová: "V Sloveniji najbolj cenim kultiviran odnos do umetnosti in literature"

10. 9. 2016" Nisem abstraktno-analitičen tip avtorice. Pri pisanju se bolj spuščam v prostore domišljije, intuicije, podzavesti in arhetipa nezavednega, " o svojem ustvarjanju pravi ena osrednjih slovaških ...


Vilenica Seid Serdarević: Pomemben je užitek ob besedilu

9. 9. 2016Založba Fraktura že zdavnaj ni več zgolj hrvaški fenomen, njeni prepoznavnost in ugled sta zlagoma segli onkraj meja, sprva regije, zatem pa tudi širše navzven.


Moda Mednarodni teden mode oktobra v Ljubljani

12. 8. 2016Oktobra se v Ljubljano vrača Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, na katerih se bodo predstavili modni oblikovalci iz Slovenije in Evrope.


News in English Film co-written by Slovenian screenwriter up for ‘Student Oscar’

8. 8. 2016The Student Academy Awards are awarded annually by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – the same body that hands out the Oscars.


Val 202 Kdo bo ime Vala 202 meseca julija?

29. 7. 2016Kandidati so: David Razboršek, Jan Klavora, Andrej Albreht in Matija Solce.


Slovenia Revealed A Delicacy from the Sea

29. 7. 2016The Sečovlje Saltworks on Slovenia’s Adriatic coast has long been well-known for the quality of its salt, and in the past few years, a product particularly prized by connoisseurs has gained a ...


News in English 1,5 million visitors see Franja Partisan Hospital

26. 7. 2016The Franja Partisan Hospital near Cerkno, which operated between the winter of 1943 and May 1945, is among the most visited World War II monuments.


News in English Awards to best young designers in the world - one of them from Slovenia

25. 7. 2016A couple of days ago the best young fashion designers in the world were awarded in Trieste, and Jana Zornik from Slovenia was among the chosen.


Blogs Lovely Ljubljana

24. 7. 2016Slovenia may have closed its borders to international refugees, but it’s remarkably open to international literature.


Moda Slovenska oblikovalka pretresa modni svet: Nismo vzgajali kože Alexandra McQueena

22. 7. 2016Modna oblikovalka Tina Gorjanc je s svojim projektom Pure Human, v okviru katerega raziskuje uporabo DNK-ja za vzgojo kože in s katerim opozarja na problematiko nezaščitenega genskega materiala, ...


Knjige Alice Munro, mojstrica kratke proze, ima 85 let

10. 7. 2016Kanadska pisateljica in Nobelova nagrajenka za književnost Alice Munro, ki si je literarno slavo prislužila z opisovanjem podeželskega življenja, danes praznuje 85. rojstni dan.


News in English Damjan Kozole awarded best film director at Karlovy Vary festival

10. 7. 2016Slovenian director Damjan Kozole has won best film director award for his work titled Night Life at the 51st edition of the Karlovy Vary festival in the Czech Republic.


News in English 26th Kresnik Prize to Miha Mazzini

24. 6. 2016The Kresnik Prize for the last year's best novel was yesterday evening awarded to Miha Mazzini for his novel Childhood, an »autobiographic novel from made-up stories«, through which the hero faces ...


News in English Kopitar voted best gentleman and defender among NHL forwards

23. 6. 2016Just a few days after being named Los Angeles Kings team captain, Anže Kopitar received his first two individual NHL awards: the Selke and Lady Byng trophies.

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