21. 4. 2015In 1995, when Ivan Turk found a hollow bone when exploring the Divje Babe cave in western Slovenia, he knew that he had discovered something special.
20. 4. 2015The Reporter magazine writes that the Constitutional Court will annul the ruling in the Patria case and order a retrial. The Constitutional Court informs that a decision has not yet been made.
14. 4. 2015After the information spread that only one takeover bid was received for purchase of a majority share of Telekom, a considerable slump of share prices could be noticed; the price stopped at 116 euro.
8. 4. 2015"People were eager for a change. Yet the advantages the previous regime had dishonestly assured for itself prevented such election turnabout as should have happened judging from the frame of mind at ...
7. 4. 2015Potem ko ji je nazadnje pomagal Dan Auerbach iz The Black Keys, naj bi Lana Del Rey za novi studijski album zaprosila za pomoč Marka Ronsona.
28. 3. 2015Temnopolta igralka Taraji P. Henson se je policiji javno opravičila za svoje trditve, da je bil njen sin rasno profiliran, ko so ga lani ustavili v Kaliforniji.
28. 3. 2015Prvi mož Appla Tim Cook je oznanil, da namerava večino svojega bogastva, ki je ocenjeno na več kot 800 milijonov dolarjev, še pred svojo smrtjo podariti dobrodelnim organizacijam.
23. 3. 2015Juan Vasle, who grew up in Argentina, has become one of Slovenia’s most recognizable media personalities, largely because of his twin passions – for opera singing and soccer.
14. 3. 2015Occasional renting out of real estate to travellers through increasingly popular web platform Airbnb is in Slovenia practically impossible, due to unfavourable regulations.
8. 3. 2015Nasproti predsedniške palače, v kateri ima urad predsednik Pahor, se za mirnim pročeljem več kot sto let stare hiše odpira prostor z interierjem svetovljanske drže. Nekaj je jasno.
22. 2. 2015Charismatic priest Pedro Opeka, together with his co-workers from the Akamasoa organisation, made possible to more than 23,000 homeless people to start a new life with schools, health care, their ...
19. 2. 2015Pevka in igralka Selena Gomez, ki jo mnogi poznajo zaradi sestajanja z Justinom Bieberjem, je odvrgla svoja oblačila za revijo V Magazine in s tem razburila številne oboževalce.
9. 2. 2015World War II brought immense suffering to Slovenia. Thousands were killed or wounded, and many families were split up during the conflict never to be reunited again.
8. 2. 2015Talking Tom and Friends is a rare global brand that, in just four years, has grown from instant app success into a fully-fledged media entertainment franchise.
23. 1. 2015Ekipa italijanskih znanstvenikov je razvila rentgensko tehniko, s katero bodo lahko brali ostanke ožganih kosov papirusa, ki jih je v pepel zakopal izbruh Vezuva leta 79 n. š.
22. 1. 2015Chris Kyle je bil pripadnik elitnega voda Tjulnjev in velja za najsmrtonosnejšega ostrostrelca v ameriški zgodovini. Ubil naj bi 255 "divjakov", vse v Iraku, kjer je bil na kar štirih misijah.