22. 3. 2016Ameriška priljubljena igralka Reese Witherspoon je v velikem slogu proslavila svoj 40. rojstni dan, z njo so praznovali številni znani obrazi.
19. 3. 2016Slovenia has been awarded the Patwa International Award as the fastest growing tourism destination in the world. It won another two awards for its promotional tourism videos.
18. 3. 2016Following Thursday's hearing, at which Slovenia presented its positions, the arbitral tribunal will now examine the legal implications of Croatia's withdrawal from the border arbitration process ...
17. 3. 2016V dvanajsti sezoni festivala bluesa v Postojni bodo ljubitelji bluesa kot prvemu prisluhnili Otisu Taylorju, do konca maja pa potem še Coreyju Harrisu in Alvinu Youngbloodu.
12. 3. 2016Slovenija je na mednarodni turistični borzi v Berlinu prejela priznanje patwa za najhitreje razvijajočo se turistično destinacijo, prejela pa je tudi priznanji za promocijska videospota Slovenije in ...
28. 2. 2016"Among the stars, day and night, this world is turning," sang Majda Sepe , first with a small accompanying band, then with Nino Robič and an entertainment orchestra of RTV Ljubljana, and later with ...
19. 2. 2016Presunjeni zmagovalci letošnje podelitve oskarjev morda ne bodo niti opazili, da v rokah držijo kipec, ki bo malo drugačen od prejšnjih let.
15. 2. 2016The gold medal of the US Society of Illustrators she was awarded recently is the peak of Alenka Sottler's career – and at the same time an acknowledgment for the Slovenian illustration.
11. 2. 2016"It is a constant battle – for a worthy theatre, for decent art, and ultimately for good society and for survival," claims one of the winners of the Prešeren Fund Award Katarina Stegnar.
9. 2. 2016This year's winner of the Prešeren Award for lifetime achievement, Ivo Petrić, still composes although retired. To him music represents life and he cannot imagine life without it.
8. 2. 2016On Sunday evening, before the Slovenian cultural holiday, the Cankar Cultural Centre hosted the Grand Prešeren Awards and the Prešeren Fund Awards.
7. 2. 2016The Prešeren awards will be officially announced at Sunday's ceremony on the eve of Prešeren's Day, the Slovenian cultural holiday, but the names of winners are already out.