10. 8. 2018Podjetje Playgreen, ki se ukvarja z organizacijo športnih priprav, se pripravlja na prevzem najema pohorskih hotelov Arena, Bolfenk in Videc 1. septembra.
27. 7. 2018"Some fans encourage us, others don’t. We have to live with that. But we’ll continue doing our work honestly," said NK Olimpija’s captain Branko Ilič after Thursday’s victory against Northern ...
22. 7. 2018Slovenian actress Maruša Majer has won the Golden Arena for the main female role, a woman called Mara, in the co-production category for the film Ivan directed by Janez Burger.
21. 7. 2018Slovenska igralka Maruša Majer je osvojila zlato areno za glavno žensko vlogo v kategoriji koprodukcij za vlogo Mare v filmu Ivan režiserja Janeza Burgerja.
12. 7. 2018Tamburi, canti di guerra, inni, bandiere, urla, gioia e dolore. Il calcio e i mondiali in particolare sembrano un surrogato più o meno pacifico della guerra.
9. 7. 2018Eno od glavnih vprašanj, ki se nam poraja ob prehodu na elektromobilnost, je, kaj se in kaj se bo dogajalo z baterijami, ki niso več primerne za uporabo v vozilih? Vsaj en odgovor nam ponuja Nissan.
8. 7. 2018In autumn the Lipica Stud Farm will improve living and training facilities for the Lipizzaner. They will refurbish the calving stables at Borjača and set up a bathroom and drying room for horses.
3. 7. 2018"We have to face reality, pour ourselves a glass of pure wine and ask ourselves where all this is heading," said Slovenia's captain in the last three matches, Klemen Prepelič, after a third ...
2. 7. 2018Giunge alla sua diciassettesima edizione Arena International, e già questo la dice lunga sulla bontà di una manifestazione che, grazie all'impegno dei suoi promotori - con la direttrice artistica ...