25. 11. 2013The mood among investors visiting Slovenia has suddenly brightened, buoyed by a private bond placement last week that was snapped up by a mystery buyer.
31. 10. 2013Towards the middle of the windswept Vipava Valley, Zemono Manor sits atop a little hill. The charming, almost fairytale setting of Zemono, where the cold breeze from Nanos mixes with the smell of ...
24. 10. 2013Slovenian hockey superstar Anže Kopitar was a guest at the popular talk show Ellen DeGeneres. Anže did not talk much before the short performance, except that he explained to Ellen that he is ...
3. 9. 2013“We will not wish you luck, because you don’t need it. You are a basketball nation, and we know that EuroBasket will be an excellent event from the sporting, social, tourist and economic ...
14. 10. 201113 novih skladb (le ena v slovenščini); instrumentalnost pred besedilno izraznostjo; brezpogojno zasledovanje komercialnega zvoka ... Razlogov za oproščanje LeeLooJamais ob izidu Excuse My ...
26. 9. 2009Na male zaslone se vrača priljubljena humoristična oddaja Hri-bar, ki bo v vaš dom vsako soboto prinesla veliko dozo humorja in dobre volje.
19. 9. 2009Kdor je v Staro mestno elektrarno prišel gledat voajeristično komedijo na račun kalvarije družine Fritzl, je zakorakal naravnost v past dunajskega satirika. Kdo so resnični "fritzli", se sprašuje Hubs ...