29. 6. 2018"I would not say that the defeat is getting us away from the world championship. We still have the chance, but the match against Montenegro will be very important," said the head coach of the ...
25. 6. 2018Il noto duo di violoncellisti 2Cellos, formato dallo sloveno Luka Šulić e dal croato Stjepan Hauser, si esibiranno a Capodistria nell'ambito della tournee »Score«, che sta segnando il sold out in ...
21. 6. 2018Quello di colf e badanti in Europa è un mestiere sommerso. I numeri denunciati dalla Federazione europea dei servizi individuali (Efsi) sono impressionanti.
17. 6. 2018Stari turistični vodniki so bili polni zapisov: "Neizpodbitni čar Lizbone je, da se vanjo ne zgrinjajo množice turistov, kot se v druga evropska mesta." Toda to se je sčasoma nekoliko spremenilo.
7. 6. 2018Slovenski rokometaši na čelu s selektorjem Veselinom Vujovićem poudarjajo, da je ključ do uspeha nad Madžarsko v kvalifikacijah za svetovno prvenstvo znan: hitra igra, s katero bi utrudili visoke in "
2. 6. 2018In recent weeks, it seemed that the fate of professional hockey in Jesenice would be quite uncertain. President Anže Pogačar has now decided to continue the successful story of recent years.
25. 5. 2018The head coach of the Slovenian national basketball team, Rado Trifunović, announced the list of players who have been called to play in the third part of the basketball World Cup qualifications.
22. 5. 2018In August we can look forward to a basketball spectacle in which fans will be able to see Slovenia's great basketball players Boštjan Nachbar and Sani Bečirović play for one last time, as they say ...
21. 5. 2018"Ta vaš mali je res kralj. Škoda, da bo obstal v polfinalu, ker čez CSKA seveda ne bo šlo," nam je v četrtek zvečer razlagal beograjski taksist. Pa je šlo, vse do vrha Evrope!
17. 5. 2018Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank je zavrnila dve od neuradno treh ponudb za nakup pohorskih hotelov Arena, Videc in Bolfenk ter apartmajske zgradbe Pohorske terase - ponudbi mariborskih podjetij ...
12. 5. 2018Venti di guerra soffiavano sulla Slovenia. L’esercito federale aveva preso i confini. La Difesa Territoriale era impegnata in una serie di scontri con l’Armata popolare jugoslava.
11. 5. 2018The second ten finalists were chosen in Lisbon last night. 26 countries will face it off on Saturday to determine the winner of the 63rd Eurovision song contest.
7. 5. 201826-letni Kaja Besednjak in Anisa Kete iz Ajdovščine po diplomi nista iskali zaposlitve v Sloveniji, ampak sta jo mahnili v Lizbono, kjer živita svoje sanje - plešeta in spoznavata svet.