11. 11. 2015After weeks of frantic preparation, the 26th instalment of the Ljubljana International Film Festival (Liffe) kicked off on Wednesday with a ceremony and a screening of Olmo Omerzu’s critically ...
9. 11. 2015Na razstavi Meseca oblikovanja nedvomno navdušujejo svetila. Ob priznanih imenih produktnega oblikovanja pa bi si od slovenskih razstavljavcev želeli več.
7. 11. 2015When rock music was well established in the world at the turn of the seventies of the last century, Slovenia was still part of Yugoslavia, where a one-party socio-political system had been enforced ...
2. 11. 2015The Cottbus Film Festival in Germany begins on Tuesday. For 25 years now the festival has been dedicated to film makers from Eastern Europe. This year a special focus will be put on Slovenian film.
1. 11. 2015The second feature film of the Slovenian film director Olmo Omerzu first drew the attention of the jury at the San Sebastian festival, which was followed by positive reviews from critics and a very ...
1. 11. 2015There used to be beautiful women around us, even without the expensive cars, he says nostalgically. And we had higher-quality music, he is sure of it.
31. 10. 2015Hollywoodski igralci so se zbrali v Los Angelesu, da bi počastili svojo kolegico Reese Witherspoon, letošnjo dobitnico prestižne nagrade american cinematheque award, in ji nazdravili.
31. 10. 2015Poleg uveljavljenega sestrskega dvojca, Jelene in Svetlane Proković, ki delujeta pod modno znamko JSP, so drugi večer na tednu mode v Ljubljani zaznamovali mladi modni oblikovalci.
31. 10. 2015Adria Camp from Ankaran on the Slovenian coast has been voted as the best camp in the category of bigger Slovenian camps, while the winner among smaller camps is Nadiža Camp from Podbela, close to ...
26. 10. 2015Hedda Gabler, the play directed by Mateja Koležnik and performed by SNG Maribor Drama, was chosen by the jury, with a majority of votes, as the best last year’s performance.
25. 10. 2015Na petem mednarodnem otroškem in mladinskem filmskem festivalu Mali slon, ki ga je obiskalo 1500 obiskovalcev, je veliko nagrado strokovne žirije dobil film Kako se prikupiti ljudem švicarske ...
18. 10. 2015She’s a singer, actress, programme director and producer of more than thirty shows, concerts, cabarets and literary evenings, and of the festival "La Vie en Rose".
8. 10. 2015"She dedicated and sacrificed everything for theater. And that is the secret to her excellence," wrote the jury, explaining its choice for awarding this year’s Borštnik Ring to Ljerka Belak.