28. 9. 2015On the 184th anniversary of Fran Levstik’s birth, Ljubljana got a new arcade with an alley inlaid with memorial plaques. Levstik’s Arcade is located next to the Konzorcij bookshop.
25. 9. 2015At the 49th edition of the Bitef Theatre Festival in Belgrade, the main award (Grand prix Mira Trailović) went to the French author and director Jonathan Capdevielle for his performance titled ...
18. 9. 2015This year the Rožanc Award goes to Andrej Capuder for the best essay collection Povest o knjigah (Tale of Books) published by Slovenska matica.
15. 9. 2015The 18th Festival of Slovenian Film opens in Portorož with the screenings of a student film by Katarina Rešek called "Plavanje" (Swimming) and with Jan Cvitkovič’s new comedy "Šiška Deluxe".
9. 9. 2015Drugi celovečerni film Matevža Luzarja s Tanjo Ribič v osrednji vlogi Tatjane, ki po nesrečnem spletu okoliščin prevzame moževe sumljive posle, bo predvajan v tekmovalnem programu televizijskih ...
4. 9. 2015Potujoča preproga, ki potuje po Sloveniji in jo lahko kvačka kdor koli, je široka skoraj pet metrov in težka 150 kilogramov. A kreacija, ki povezuje neznance, še ni dosegla svojega končnega videza.
30. 8. 2015Slovenia will offer three exciting new tourist products by the end of the year: footgolf in Bovec, a web application for photographers called SNAPP Guides, and the Escape from an Igloo experience.
24. 8. 2015This year the Slovenian Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund will award scholarships for shortage occupations for the first time.
22. 8. 2015The popular nutritional market Odprta kuhna (Open kitchen), for the third consecutive year organized in Ljubljana, and recently also in Celje, has reached a new destination: Koper.
21. 8. 2015V Begunjah na Gorenjskem se začenja tradicionalni Festival Avsenik, ki letos v ospredje postavlja 60-letnico skladbe Na Golici in spomin na pred kratkim umrlega Slavka Avsenika.
21. 8. 2015Slovenian sports fans visiting one of Ljubljana’s retirement homes may glimpse a legend among the residents: track-and-field athlete Draga Stamejčič, who once tied a world record – an accomplishment ...