16. 11. 2013Parado dolgonogih angelskih lepotic v novi kolekciji spodnjega perila Victoria's Secret sredi tedna v New Yorku je s svojim pevskim vložkom "zmotila" Taylor Swift, ki po mnenju nekaterih ni imela ...
13. 11. 2013The nominees for this year's Slovenian Woman of the Year are known. Among them is also RTV Slovenia journalist Eugenija Carl, who often eases the work of law enforcement authorities.
10. 11. 2013The boutique hotel Vander Urbani Resort, that is hidden in the bosom of the old part of Ljubljana, has become one of the best hotels in Slovenia in less than two years’ time. The hotel with one of ...
7. 11. 2013Bill Johnson je bil prototip ameriške zgodbe o uspehu. Karizmatičen, postaven, ženske so se lepile nanj - še posebej potem, ko je povsem nenadejano postal leta 1984 prvi Američan z zlato kolajno v ...
6. 11. 2013A list of the 100 richest Slovenes has been released. For the third year in a row, Sandi Češko of Studio Moderna tops the list. In second place are the Doberšeks, a husband-wife team that run an ...
3. 11. 2013"Za neke v ogenj svet bo izginil, / za druge v led," je leta 1920 ameriški pesnik Robert Frost zapisal v pesmi, po kateri ga danes pozna tudi večina slovenskih srednješolcev. Toda kdo je bil človek ...
27. 10. 2013As the Office of the Information Commissioner exceeded its powers, Jože Tanko suggested to slovenian president Borut Pahor to dismiss Information Commissioner Nataša Pirc Musar.
27. 10. 2013Mountaineer Joža Vršnik–Robanov once wrote, "You will see what others do not see. You will hear what others do not hear. You will feel what others do not feel. You will look for what has never been ...
26. 10. 2013The innovative project Adora, graphic designer Nataša Šušteršič Plotajs, the best 3D photographer in the world, 70th anniversary of the legendary Base 20 and wells in Bizeljsko are the stories ...
21. 10. 2013Edini slovenski didžej na lestvici 100 najboljših na svetu, Umek, je letos padel za kar 38 mest in končal skoraj na repu lestvice, na 97. mestu. Na vrh se je povzpel Hardwell.
17. 10. 2013It has always been difficult to categorize Joško Sirk - a Slovene, on the Italian side of the Brdo region. He's master chef who won a Michelin star with a restaurant oriented towards farm traditions.
9. 10. 2013Anyone driving around Slovenia has noticed Slovenia’s passion for motorcycles. But it’s hard to find anyone more passionate about it than Benka Pulko. Here is a woman who has visited all 7 ...
7. 10. 2013SIMFONIČNI ORKESTER RTV SLOVENIJA Sreda, 9. oktober 2013 Gallusova dvorana Cankarjevega doma Ob 19.30 Dirigent: Danjel Rajskin Solist: Vadim Gluzman, violina Program: