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Na današnji dan 2. september: Na današnji dan leta 1840 je umrl duhovnik in vinogradnik Matija Vertovec

16. 8. 2015V Šentvidu, današnjem Podnanosu, je na današnji dan leta 1840 umrl vinogradnik oz. "vinorejec" Matija Vertovec. Njegova najbolj znana knjiga Vinoreja za Slovence je izšla leta 1844.


News in English Dolenjske Toplice spa first mentioned eight centuries ago

22. 7. 2015The town of Dolenjske Toplice was named after the source of thermal springs discovered in historic times.


News in English Guest appearance of Russian master of black and white keys

20. 7. 2015The 63rd Ljubljana Festival this summer managed to secure the participation of the world renowned Russian pianist Nikolai Lugansky, the winner of numerous of prestigious piano competitions.


Slovenia Revealed A Slovenian designer’s jewelry is worn by the stars

17. 7. 2015In recent years, a new generation of Slovenian designers has established a reputation for innovative creations. In some cases, that reputation transcends Slovenia’s borders.


Gospodarstvo Ali je večletne agonije Elana res konec?

27. 6. 2015V javnosti so se pojavile nove informacije o dogovorih med lastniki Elana in njegovimi upniki glede reševanja podjetja.


Slovenia Revealed A referendum that changed everything

22. 6. 2015The cultural landscape of southern Carinthia, a picturesque strip of Austria along the border with Slovenia, has long been shaped by the presence of a large Slovenian community in the area.


Lepota bivanja Sodobna kraška hiša: kritika prevelikim in brez razumevanja konteksta oblikovanim hišam

21. 6. 2015"Z razvojem zavesti o kulturi bivanja in gradnje bodo ljudje, ki gradijo svoja bivališča na Krasu, mogoče razumeli pomen kraških vrednot in z njimi v prihodnje ustvarjali sodobni dialog."


News in English Funny bunnies preparing Slovene children for bed

21. 6. 2015An animated "cikcak" series featuring bunnies was for many years a children's favourite on Slovenia's evening television. The animated bunnies invited the children to watch the cartoon that followed.


Razstave Bežne atmosfere: zadržano umirjena poetika Nine Čelhar

5. 6. 2015Za dela slikarke mlajše generacije Nine Čelhar je znano, da izhajajo iz motivike sodobnega sveta, napaja pa jih njen notranji svet, ob čemer ostaja zvesta tradicionalnemu slikarstvu – platnu, barvi ...


News in English Relax your mind, body and soul in the Cerkno landscape

31. 5. 2015Listen to the symphony of the forest; the rustling of winds high in the tree tops, the songs of birds, the trickling of the forest stream, the snapping of twigs under your feet and the sound of ...


Val 202 Kdo bo ime Vala 202 meseca maja?

29. 5. 2015Na Valu 202 vsak ponedeljek izbiramo Ime tedna, nekoga, ki je v preteklem tednu naredil korak dlje, stopil iz povprečja, dosegel več.


Glasba Na Pivo in cvetje prihaja Natalie Imbruglia

26. 5. 2015Avstralska zvezdnica Natalie Imbruglia bo poleti izdala nov album Male in z nastopom na festivalu Pivo in cvetje v Laškem začela svojo evropsko turnejo.


News in English Municipality boasting the best development advises: "Bet on your natural potential"

26. 5. 2015"It should be a starting point for all the regions in Slovenia, as we have plenty of natural sources which are simultaneously a potential for sustainable development," claims the mayor of Šentrupert.

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