30. 6. 2017Predsednik vlade Miro Cerar je napovedal, da bo Slovenija prihodnji teden Hrvaški poslala posebno noto glede začetka izvajanja razsodbe arbitražnega sodišča, vlada pa bo imenovala posebno skupino, ...
30. 6. 2017Slovenski predsednik Borut Pahor in hrvaška predsednica Kolinda Grabar - Kitarović sta se po razglasitvi arbitraže sešla ob robu vrha Procesa sodelovanja v jugovzhodni Evropi v Dubrovniku.
28. 6. 2017Hrvaški premier Andrej Plenković je potrdil, da Hrvaška ne bo sprejela tiskane različice sodbe o meji s Slovenijo, ki jo v četrtek namerava v Haagu predati arbitražno sodišče.
27. 6. 2017Hrvaška ima od danes dostop do schengenskega informacijskega sistema, kar pomeni, da bosta Slovenija in Hrvaška lahko izvajali izmenični mejni nadzor evropskih državljanov - slovenski organi pri ...
13. 6. 2017Numerous workers from the Balkans go to work in Germany or other EU Member States via Slovenia. They are often low-paid, live in terrible conditions, and do not have proper documents.
18. 5. 2017Changes to an EU directive which recently caused long queues of vehicle on the Slovenian-Croatian border crossing were demanded in the European Parliament on Wednesday.
10. 5. 2017Due to the upcoming G7 summit in Sicily, with the participation of the American president Donald Trump, control at the internal Schengen borders were reintroduced at midnight.
3. 5. 2017Slowenien protestiert gegen die Verlängerung der Grenzkontrollen an der slowenisch-österreichischen Grenze. Laut slowenischem Innenministerium sind sie unberechtigt.
30. 4. 2017On Saturday leaders of EU’s 27 member countries discussed political directions for negotiations with the United Kingdom regarding brexit, and emphasized that the priority was the protection of EU ...
24. 4. 2017Local community representatives, police representatives, road operators and state secretary Andrej Špenga have met in the municipality of Brežice to discuss traffic management during the upcoming ...
20. 4. 2017The President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, wrote a letter to the presidents of three EU institutions – the EU Commission, the EU Council, and the European Parliament – Mr. Juncker, Mr.
20. 4. 2017Zunanji minister Karl Erjavec je začuden nad pismom, ki ga je zaradi nadzora na meji v Bruselj poslala hrvaška predsednica Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović.
13. 4. 2017Prime Minister Miro Cerar on Thursday told his Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenković that Slovenia must maintain its border security with Croatia.
10. 4. 2017After a relatively chaotic weekend, when waiting time at border crossings with Croatia exceeded four hours, the situation has now returned to normal.