20. 5. 2015The Upper Sava Valley, the resort town of Bled, and the spectacular Bohinj Valley are some of the most beautiful and well-known parts of Slovenia; their images adorn postcards, book covers, and ...
19. 5. 2015Industrijska oblikovalka Barbara Prinčič je že drugo leto zapored prepričala žirijo mednarodnega oblikovalskega tekmovanja A'Design Award and Competition.
25. 4. 2015Samira Kentrić bo za knjigo Balkanalije - odraščanje v času tranzicije prejela mednarodno knjižno nagrado Motovun International Book Award 2015 , in sicer v kategoriji Special Award - Society & ...
16. 4. 2015Ema Kugler je za svoj celovečerni film Odmevi časa na mednarodnem filmskem festivalu neodvisnega filma v Vancouvru v sekciji tujejezičnih filmov prejela nagrado Rising Star Award.
9. 4. 2015Gardening and extreme sports may seem to be two very different passions, but Ruth Podgornik Reš’s commitment to both made her well-known in Slovenia, turned her into a role model for many, and got ...
3. 4. 2015Miha Štrukelj v svojih delih raziskuje prostor, okolje in položaj človeka v njem, pri čemer izhaja iz lastne izkušnje bivanja v velikih mestnih središčih. V Pilonovi galeriji Ajdovščina bodo ob 1
16. 3. 2015Andrés Valdés, a Cuban immigrant to Slovenia, introduced the country to a new art form, and became a figure both beloved by children and instantly recognized by several generations of adults.
13. 3. 2015"I am convinced that the Port of Koper will be within our strategy deemed of strategic importance, which is also my personal conviction," said PM Miro Cerar at Primorska region businessman award ...
1. 3. 2015"Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's the rhythm of your life. It's the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy."