18. 11. 2017For several years the European Union has been encouraging us to implement various actions with which we can help to reduce the amount of waste to the greatest extent possible.
10. 11. 2017Zunaj je bilo megleno, ko sem se nekoč odpravil intervjuvat enega izmed premalo slavnih ljubljanskih raperskih kolektivov. Zmenek je vključeval tudi prvo poslušanje njihovega novega albumskega dela.
6. 11. 2017V Studio Hendrix prihaja Borut Antončič oziroma Bort Ross. Za to umetniško ime se je Borut odločil, da bi svojo glasbo lahko ločil od vsakdanjega življenja. Naslednji gost oddaje radioLive!
1. 11. 2017Režiser in producent Brett Ratner je naslednji, na katerega se je sprožil plaz obtožb o spolnem nadlegovanju. O njegovem nesprejemljivem obnašanju je spregovorilo šest igralk.
16. 9. 2017Between 16 and 22 September many cities and towns in Slovenia will celebrate the 16th European Mobility Week, which will conclude on Friday, 22 September, with the Car Free Day.
31. 8. 2017Slovenian basketball players excelled in their first major task of this year’s EuroBasket championship. Led by an exceptional performance by Goran Dragić, they handily defeated Poland 90:81.
12. 8. 2017V bolnišnici na severu Indije v zvezni državi Utar Pradeš je od ponedeljka umrlo 60 otrok, po poročanju tamkajšnjih medijev zaradi pomanjkanja zalog tekočega kisika.
27. 7. 2017"Serious research into the Roma genocide has been presented to the Slovenian public only recently. In the way we not only raise awareness about those historic events, but also help break deeply ...
21. 7. 2017Effort to put out the fire at the waste depot in Zalog near Novo Mesto continue. Around 50 firefighters, who are on the site, also expect helicopter assistance.
12. 6. 2017Italijansko podjetje Snam Rete Gas bi moralo graditi prvi, 4 kilometre dolg del plinovoda od Doline pri Trstu do Ospa, kjer bi prečkal mejo.
3. 6. 2017Globalization of the Economy: The Silk Road paved the foundations of globalization. Nowadays we talk about integration of its three dimensions: social, economic and environmental.