24. 10. 2014"Sem mlad človek, ki razmišlja o tem, kako svet spremeniti na bolje," samega sebe opiše 17-letni izumitelj Jure Miklavčič, ki je našel način, kako bi lahko privarčevali precej vode.
22. 10. 2014Hollywoodski igralec Matthew McConaughey je odlično igralsko leto okronal s še enim priznanjem - prejel je prestižno nagrado american cinematheque award.
20. 10. 2014Winner of this year's Prešeren Award died at the of 88. Slovenian composer, ethnomusicologist, linguist and etymologist Pavle Merkú wrote his last composition in 2004, struggling with ill health ...
18. 10. 2014The Festival for young literature came to a close today and the Uršljanka 2014, the most perspective young writer award, went to Petra Žist.
17. 10. 2014Johanna Spyri’s Heidi may be one of the recognizable icons of the Swiss Alps, but Slovenia has its own legendary child of the mountains: a brave little shepherd boy named Kekec.
15. 10. 2014Tomaž Humar prided himself on being a different kind of mountain climber. His daring approach made him one of Slovenia’s most honored mountaineers – but it also ultimately cost him his life.
7. 10. 2014Z Žanom Tetičkovičem, ki kljub mladosti niza izjemne glasbene dosežke, bo Big Band RTV Slovenija 22. oktobra ob 20. uri nastopil v ljubljanskem Kinu Šiška.
3. 10. 2014Fundacija za etiko in ekonomijo ethecon je slovenskemu humanitarnemu aktivistu Tomu Križnarju podelila nagrado Blue Planet Award 2014 za njegovo delo, ki "sledi načelom solidarnosti in etike".
14. 9. 2014This year's Slovenska popevka or Slovenian popular song festival awarded the title of best popular song to Rudi Bučar for the song Ti (You), while the song Sončen dan (Sunny day) by Darja Švajger ...
14. 9. 2014BIO 50 is opening its doors to the public on 18 September 2014 in Ljubljana, unveiling the results of an ambitious six-month collaborative effort of 11 different teams.