5. 9. 2014After the bitter defeat against Lithuania Jure Zdovc congratulated his wards for their fighting spirit on the court, although all their attempts in offence were in vain.
28. 8. 2014The role of the main playmaker and Jure Zdovc team's ace at the world championship will be taken by Goran Dragić, but the captain of the Slovenian team lacks optimism before the beginning of the ...
27. 8. 2014"Seveda ste Slovenci narod pesnikov" , je prepričan David Brooks, profesor književnosti in pisatelj, ki ga z našimi kraji povezujeta tako družinska zgodovina kot tudi ljubezen.
23. 8. 2014While the vintage of the earliest species has already started in the Slovenian Istria, the winemakers from the Primorje region won a number of medals at the open state wine assessment in Gornja ...
21. 8. 2014Igra kontrastov in teksture ni edina rdeča nit kavarne Rog in kavarne 13 (AKSL arhitekti). Koliko ljudi bi pomislilo, da lahko s talnimi ploščicami narediš večjo zgodbo kot z dragim kosom pohištva?
9. 8. 2014Cerkveni nastopi dvojca so edinstven projekt, ki križa različne glasbene senzibilnosti, od Kajine improvizatorske prakse in študija klasične kompozicije do Matissovih džezovskih in rokerskih afinitet.
8. 8. 2014"Če ima nekdo željo, da se glasbeno udejstvuje, ga je težko ustaviti, in če ima željo, da se usmeri v operno petje, zakaj pa ne," pravi mladi operni pevec Jure Počkaj, ki je ravnokar, kot eden izmed ...
4. 8. 2014After becoming one of the three finalists for this year's LUX Prize award, Slovenia's movie Razredni sovražnik (Class Enemy) received the main prize at the 8th Five Lakes Film Festival in Gilching, ...
27. 7. 2014Enajst let je minilo, odkar je umrl slavni komedijant, ki se je glede na število prejetih priznanj in nagrad vpisal v Guinnessovo knjigo rekordov. Ni iz trte izvita misel, da je smeh pol zdravja.
20. 7. 2014V igri sta že več kot 20 let, leta 1995 sta prebila komercialno sito z uspešnico How High (čeprav je pozneje še bolj odmevalo nadaljevanje How High Part 2), a vendar Redman in Method Man ne spadata ...
14. 7. 2014Opinions vary when discussing Garden Village Bled, the latest luxurious eco-acquisition on the sunny side of the Alps that opened last month.
13. 7. 2014"I still don't know how come I had never considered studying at AGRFT (Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television)," says the young film director Katarina Morano, who has enlisted to AGRFT ...
10. 7. 2014An uninhabited Alpine valley was the site of one of the most famous engineering marvels ever built in Slovenia. Constructed in 1933, the large ski jump in Planica made sporting history many times.
9. 7. 2014Rosvita Pesek received her first nomination for best TV presenter of a news show at this year’s viktor media awards, which was a huge surprise for her.