14. 11. 2015Fifty years from now our descendants will judge us through the images of barbed wire on our border – this will be our face, warns poet Boris A. Novak.
13. 11. 2015PM Miro Cerar emphasized for TV Slovenia that Slovenia has no intention of accepting refugees which might be refused by Germany or Austria.
12. 11. 2015Premier Miro Cerar je v pogovoru za TV Slovenija poudaril, da Slovenija ne namerava sprejeti prebežnikov, ki bi jih Nemčija ali Avstrija morda zavrnili.
12. 11. 2015EU si želi pri soočanju z begunsko krizo okrepiti sodelovanje z Afriko in Turčijo, ki jima v zameno za učinkovitejše preprečevanje nezakonitih migracij in zajezitev toka beguncev ponuja finančno ...
11. 11. 2015Slovenia began erecting a razor wire fence along parts of its border with Croatia on Wednesday, saying it wanted better control over a tide of migrants flowing through the tiny country en route to ...
10. 11. 2015Po neuradnih informacijah bodo ograjo na meji s Hrvaško začeli postavljati že v sredo zjutraj na območju Haloz in Brežic, so sporočili na TV Slovenija.
9. 11. 2015Evropska unija da bo razpadla? Ko gre za begunce, je tako rekoč ni več, kot je ni bilo ob grški krizi. Kdo je strl Grke, kdo se je pogajal s Turki o beguncih? Bruseljski šaljivec iz davčne oaze?
9. 11. 2015Vlada je presodila, da obstaja resna verjetnost, da se bo Slovenija v kratkem morala spopasti s težko obvladljivim številom prebežnikov, kar lahko vodi v humanitarno izjemno zaostrene razmere.
6. 11. 2015The European Commission has approved 10.17 million euros ($11 million) in emergency funding to help Slovenia cope with the huge and sudden influx of migrants arriving in the country since ...
5. 11. 2015President of the Republic Borut Pahor called for more money for police, army and civil protection. He also appeared at the National Assembly and explained his view.
3. 11. 2015If the flow of refugees into Europe does not slow down, Slovenia will reinforce its control on the Schengen border also with technical barriers, and even with a fence if necessary, said PM Miro Cerar.
30. 10. 2015The government was acquainted with possible additional measures for managing the refugee crises, should it aggravate further, including "the most restrictive", namely fences, or "technical obstacles".
29. 10. 2015Vlada se je seznanila z morebitnimi dodatnimi ukrepi za obvladovanje prebežniške krize, če bi se ta zaostrila. Med njimi so tudi "najbolj restriktivni", torej ograje oziroma "tehnične ovire".