21. 4. 2014Slovenski kupci so naklonjeni domačim blagovnim znamkam - zanje so se odločili kar v 109 od skupno 192 različnih tržnih kategorij raziskave. Slovenske blagovne znamke so cenjene tudi na trgih ...
14. 4. 2014Da so MTV-jeve "zafrkantske" filmske nagrade namenjene spogledovanju z mladim občinstvom, je jasno. V skladu s tem zlata pokovka za najboljši film ni odromala k zgodovinski drami 12 let suženj,
13. 4. 2014Na podelitvi priznanj gejev in lezbijk zveze GLAAD se je gnetlo zvezdnikov, glavna zvezda večera pa je bila Jennifer Lopez, velika borka za pravice istospolno usmerjenih.
11. 4. 2014Jernej Štremfelj is a 16-year old boy who hardly knows that other grades exists, as he usually gets a 5. He is also an enthusiastic accordion player, already with two solo concerts under his belt.
7. 4. 2014The 44th Festival of Slovenian Drama in Kranj ended last night with the performance 5fantkov.sk by the Slovak theatre Studio 12 from Bratislava and an award ceremony.
28. 3. 2014"I have been collecting sport statistics since I was a boy. I followed the steps of my father and cut out from newspapers tables and graphs, and collected them in a folder," says our colleague ...
27. 3. 2014Today marks the World Theatre Day and also the beginning of the 44th Week of Slovenian Drama. The festival will feature 17 plays and several other events in 11 days.
24. 3. 2014“I never have a bet on a single horse. My company develops several products, and while one of them may last for a long term, the others will help us gain experience,” Janez Kodila, the manager of a ...
21. 3. 2014"Softly, gently, as the world caresses a bloom, as the air strokes water, as the wind embraces a rock – a wish touches the heart. Softly, gently."
16. 3. 2014With last night’s award ceremony, the 23. Annual Dnevi komedije or days of comedy came to a close. Among the seven competing shows the satire of the Ljubljana Drama titled Misterij Buffo while the ...
15. 3. 2014Karpopotnik (Karpotrotter), the film by Matjaž Ivanišin, which has won the best screenplay award of the 16th Festival of Slovenian Film, will be showed in one of the sections of New York’s Tribeca ...
14. 3. 2014Young translator Mateja Drev is convinced that watching films, listening to songs and surfing the web in a foreign language is the easiest way to learn any language.
12. 3. 2014The majority of Slovenians who either travel or live abroad, have encountered the following situation: “Where did you say you come from? Slovenia? Oh, Handanović! And Dragić, great NBA player! And ...
28. 2. 2014V spomin na tragično preminulega igralca Philipa Seymourja Hoffmana bodo začeli podeljevati nagrado za dramatike, za katero bodo sredstva zagotovili iz poravnave z ameriškim tabloidom The National ...
26. 2. 2014In the very heart of olive trees and olive oil, in Dalmatia, Slovenian olive growers won approval. In Split 657 samples were graded from ten Mediterranean countries, and Slovenians took most of the ...
23. 2. 2014The Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected the appeal of the Slovenian and Canadian Olympic committees, with regards to the results in the ski cross event.