15. 5. 2015"The measurements show that the atmosphere of our planet is heating up, which has negative consequences," said the head of the meteorology department at ARSO Klemen Bergant at the occasion of the ...
23. 4. 2015In the frameworks of the Brdo process, which has been taking place at different levels, both presidential and ministerial, since 2010, a meeting of foreign ministers from the countries of former ...
3. 4. 2015The Police issued a warning to individuals or organized groups who intend to fire with carbide or mortars during Easter Holidays, reminding them that appropriate preventive measures must be taken, ...
26. 1. 2015Organizatorji svetovnega prvenstva v alpskem smučanju v Vailu in Beaver Creeku teden dni pred slovesnostjo ob odprtju obljubljajo 14-dnevno zabavo v pravem ameriškem slogu.
21. 1. 2015Namesto z glasno hrumečimi in bencinskih hlapov polnimi klasičnimi gokarti se v Vrtojbi na Goriškem lahko preizkusite s tihim, vendar adrenalinsko izjemno učinkovitim električnim gokartom.
6. 1. 2015»Balaenoptera physalus,« dice e continua “è deceduta circa due mesi fa, forse anche prima. Probabilmente non nel nostro mare ma è stata portata dalle correnti nelle nostre zone”.
6. 1. 2015Z Lukom Mezgecem smo klepetali o zakulisju v kolesarstvu, med drugim tudi o alkoholu med najtežjimi dirkami in nekaterih posebnežih, ki na štart etape pridejo z dresom, odišavljenim s parfumom.
30. 12. 2014This year there is even lower inflation, with an annual level of only 0.2 percent. The low inflation rate is particularly influenced by the drop in fuel prices.
8. 12. 2014Gas prices are expected to fall Tuesday night, with prices falling from between 4 cents to as much as 4.6 cents per liter in the case of diesel.
2. 12. 2014Russia unexpectedly announced that it was cancelling a multi-billion-euro South Stream gas pipeline project. The pipeline was supposed to go through Bolgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia.