17. 2. 2014V Slovenijo drugič prihaja Billy Idol. Koncert rockovske ikone bo 24. junija v ljubljanski Hali Tivoli, natanko štiri leta po njegovem prvem nastopu pri nas.
14. 2. 2014Ana Jasmina Oseban received the Radojka Vrančič Award for young translators at the Ljubljana book fair in November 2013. The selection jury was impressed by her translation of Blumenberg, a ...
10. 2. 2014Preprosta topolova vlakna bodo lahko po zaslugi postojnskega podjetja Insol že kmalu imela pomembno vlogo v medicini, in sicer kot prenašalec zdravil po telesu.
8. 2. 2014Today is a culture holiday in Slovenia. Culture Day is a bank holiday marking the anniversary of the death of Slovenia's most famous poet France Prešeren.
8. 2. 2014Culture Day is bank holiday ovserved on the anniversary of the death of Slovenia's most famous poet, France Prešeren. A series of cultural events will be organized across the country today.
8. 2. 2014As the leader of the Slovenian Olympic team, Petra Majdič, bronze medallist at the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, is closely involved in the preparations for the Winter Olympics in Sochi in ...
6. 2. 2014"Companies with clear-cut comprehensive solutions for buyers and excellent co-workers are the ones that make it today. I'd like to thank my 120 excellent colleagues." Those are the thoughts of the ...
4. 2. 2014Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve je projekt Simbioza predlagalo za nagrado Združenih narodov UN Population Award, ki jo podeljujejo projektom, ki se najbolj inovativno in učinkovito spoprijemajo z ...
3. 2. 2014There are several reasons for children’s aggressive behaviour; however, if no diagnosis is established and suitable treatment administered, severe damage can be inflicted, Leonida Zalokar warns. The ...
31. 1. 2014The Odprta kuhna or Open kitchen, a culinary market which successfully kicked off last summer, won the international Jakob award. With a rich variety of culinary offerings it attracted numerous ...
27. 1. 2014Feature length film by Rok Biček, Razredni sovražnik (Class Enemy), seems to have surprised other nations besides Slovenians. At the Premiers Plans Festival in Angers, France, it won the Audience ...
25. 1. 2014"Če bi mi pred nekaj leti nekdo rekel, da bom predstavljal film v Ljubljani, mu ne bi verjel. Prekrasno je," ob ljubljanski premieri filma Zoran, moj nečak idiot dejal glavni igralec Giuseppe ...
24. 1. 2014“I don't use it, as I don't want it to occupy my time. I know it would reduce the time dedicated to reading books, and I love to read whenever possible,” Danilo Benedičič, the legendary actor who in ...
10. 1. 2014Members of the 2014 Prešeren Fund committee on theatre art have unanimously resigned due to their disagreement with the fund’s management board, which had decided to bestow the award on a nominee ...