18. 10. 2013The 48th Borštnik Festival starts today under the slogan "Pičimo." Ten Slovenian theater performances have been selected, with four from Ljubljana and two performances from Maribor. A rich ...
13. 10. 2013Ballet dancers and artists from Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Russia and Cuba took to the stage at an international ballet gala event that took place at the SNG theater house in Maribor.
11. 10. 2013Among the best Slovenian innovations awarded by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, one can also find a circular calendar, an app for Apple mobile devices that strives to represent time in a very ...
9. 10. 2013"I am very happy with the nomination, it is a compliment and comes as a nice surprise, a recognition of what we do," Katja Šulc commented the news about the nomination for MTV European Music Award.
8. 10. 2013Na dunajskem sejmišču (Messe Wien) bo od četrtka do nedelje mednarodni umetniški sejem Viennafair, na katerem se bo predstavilo več kot 100 galerij iz srednje, vzhodne in jugovzhodne Evrope.
30. 9. 2013An atypical pop song without a refrain convinced the jury. A song that could have already come to life at another music festival this summer, won the hearts of the audience. A chanson intertwined ...
29. 9. 2013This was one of the thoughts in Memories Among the Baskets the documentary by Aleš Žemlja about Ivo Daneu in which Daneu is recognised as the best Slovenian basketball player of all time.
27. 9. 2013Gabriela Babnik was one of the 12 winners of the European Union Prize for Literature for the most promising European writers, awarded for her novel Dry season.
23. 9. 2013The Slovenian basketball team was awarded a nice prize for their fifth place; Goran Dragić, the best Slovenian player, was voted among the top five players of EuroBasket.
23. 9. 2013Mariborski Festival Lent je na letošnjem kongresu Mednarodnega združenja festivalov in prireditev (IFEA) v Pittsburghu v ZDA prejel tri nagrade.
18. 9. 2013Vienna is hosting Let's Cee, a film festival featuring film production from Central and Eastern Europe. Works by Damjan Kozole, a prominent Slovenian filmmaker, have been given a retrospective.
11. 9. 2013Craftsmen and entrepreneurs could not withstand additional burdening, therefore they are opposed to the property tax. The opening ceremony of the International Trade Fair was in the spirit of such ...
11. 9. 2013Da, Hayley Williams je Paramore. Je najmarkantnejši obraz in glas ene izmed zadnjih stoječih emoskupin (vsaj komercialno gledano), ampak da zgradi svojo prezenco na odru, potrebuje druge obstoječe ...
7. 9. 2013Mina Markovič je najboljša športna plezalka leta na svetu po mnenju žirije, sestavljene iz predstavnikov medijev in novinarjev najvidnejših plezalnih revij.