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News in English Miha Mazzini: There is no democracy without proper structure

29. 10. 2016Miha Mazzini is a man of many talents. He has written 20 published works in nine languages, and as a computer expert he is author of nine manuals.


News in English Cerar: " One applicant for asylum costs the state 385 euros." Gorenak: "The cost is at least 1.344 euros."

29. 2. 2016The cost of passage of refugees through Slovenia for the state is just over EUR 32 m, while the monthly cost of providing for an applicant for asylum is EUR 385, Miro Cerar explained.


News in English Milan Kučan: “They accuse me of having been opposed to Slovenia’s secession from Yugoslavia. I’m still opposed.”

23. 12. 2015Milan Kučan, the first President of Slovenia, was quick to correct the introduction to a recent radio interview with Andrej Stopar: “I’m not the key personality but one of the key personalities in ...


Kolumne Več kot 200.000

14. 11. 2015Nadrealizem evropske politike je očitno dosegel svoj vrhunec, vodilni politiki v EU-ju svarijo pred koncem schengenskega območja, koncem EU-ja, kot ga poznamo, in se obenem zaklinjajo, da bodo ...


Slovenija Pahor: Nočemo, da se to gorje pozabi, nočemo, da se ponovi

13. 6. 2015Na spominski slovesnosti ob 70. obletnici osvoboditve koncentracijskega taborišča Mauthausen pod Ljubeljem je Pahor dejal: "Nočemo, da bi se to gorje pozabilo, nočemo, da bi se to gorje ponovilo."


News in English Doctor Radan charged with murder of seven patients, UKC also investigates nurses

19. 5. 2015The director of the hospital says that systemic measures have already been put in place to prevent such incidents from happening again.


News in English Valenčič refuses to divulge his sources

28. 1. 2015TV Slovenia journalist Erik Valenčič today refused to answer the prosecution's questions. He said he would not reveal his sources.


Slovenia Revealed Days of terror under the Slovenian Alps

19. 1. 2015High in the Karavanke mountain range, just beneath the Ljubelj tunnel, which connects Slovenia with Austria, lies a remarkable memorial.


Prva svetovna vojna Vesel božič: vznik prijateljstva sredi krvavih bojnih polj

20. 12. 2014Prva svetovna vojna je bila eden najbolj tragičnih in pogubnih dogodkov v človeški zgodovini, ki pa ga je občasno vendarle prekinil trenutek prijateljstva in miru.


News in English 41 members quit the biggest coalition party ahead of the elections

3. 10. 2014Just ahead of the local elections 41 Maribor members of Miro Cerar's SMC Party quit in protest against alleged irregularities in the naming of the list of candidates for the city council.


Film in TV Polanski v Krakovu in polnih pripravah na Dreyfusovo afero

27. 6. 2014Roman Polanski se je vrnil v Krakov, mesto svojega otroštva, kjer se ustavlja predvsem z dvema namenoma - otrokom pokazati kraj, kjer je odraščal, in posneti že pred časom napovedan film o znameniti ...


News in English Second no-confidence motion against Virant

21. 2. 2014A group of 10 MPs, including an independent and members of the opposition SDS party, will again file a no-confidence motion against the Interior Minister.


News in English Slovenia won´t extradite hacker to the US

22. 1. 2014Slovenia won´t extradite the Romanian hacker to the United States. Romanian hacker Victor Faur hacked into the computer systems of NASA, the U.S. Navy and the Energy Agency between 2004 and 2006.


News in English Finance minister Uroš Čufer rejects the allegations of SDS

31. 10. 2013"I reject all allegations of interpellation and I suggest the National Assembly not to adopt the proposed decision about my dismissal."


Knjige "Boris Pahor ni nič, če ne znamo voditi države"

18. 4. 2013"Opravičiti se moram za svojo prisotnost," je na svoj značilno šegavi, lucidni način po uvodnih nagovorih znanstvenega srečanja Pahoriana pripomnil slavljenec dneva, še ne stoletnik Boris Pahor. ...


Kolumne Kolumna Andreja Gustinčiča: Zapletena pajčevina laži

20. 7. 2012V briljantnem in dolgo zatiranem filmu temnopoltega režiserja Wendlla B. Harrisa mlajšega Chameleon Street je prizor, ki povzame tvegano in nestalno življenje antijunaka Williama Douglasa Streeta. ...

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