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Slovenia Revealed A Small Town’s Reminder of Napoleon

1. 10. 2018In many countries, Napoleon Bonaparte is remembered as a ruthless tyrant, but his short rule of the Slovenian Lands is often seen as an era of relative prosperity and national revival.


Sport Lunedì sport

1. 10. 2018CALCIO Serie A. Il Milan vince 4-1 in casa del Sassuolo nella partita della domenica sera.


Sport Panoramica sul weekend sportivo

28. 9. 2018I campionati mondiali di pallavolo maschile - ospitati congiuntamente da Italia e Bulgaria - giungono al culmine: stasera si chiude la Final Six, domani ci saranno le semifinali.


Sport La rassegna sportiva del sabato

22. 9. 2018Mondiali di pallavolo maschile, l'Italia vince contro la Finlandia per 3 set a 0. Vince anche la Slovenia contro il Belgio per 3 a 0. Gli Azzurri tornano in campo stasera contro la Russia.


Istria Primo degli eventi finali di DopOut oggi a Pirano

18. 9. 2018ll ginnasio di Pirano è la sede del primo degli eventi finali di DopOut, una campagna multimediale volta a informare e sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica, in particolare i giovani, in materia di ...


Slovenia Revealed A Legacy in Glass

13. 9. 2018Coal deposits in the Posavje region near Hrastnik gave rise to the area’s heavy industry, but they were also responsible for the rise of a craft that was passed down from generation to generation – ...


Slovenia Revealed Slovenia’s Own Cannery Row

12. 9. 2018The people in the small town of Izola, on Slovenia’s Adriatic coast, have always relied on the sea for their livelihood.


Radio Si Success for Slovenian Sports Stars in Austria and Russia

9. 9. 2018Slovenian climber Janja Garnbret narrowly missed out on gold at the World Climbing Championships in Innsbruck today.


Zanimivosti Zlatko in Nuška Drašček v novi skladbi opevata lepote Slovenije

7. 9. 2018V okviru promocijske kampanje Dva milijona razlogov, zakaj čutimo Slovenijo je nastala nova skladba z naslovom Domovini, v kateri sta moči združila raper Zlatko in pevka Nuška Drašček.


Slovenia Revealed A Saint Revered by Two Countries

7. 9. 2018Saint Hema, sometimes described as Slovenia’s first saint, was a noblewoman from the hill country of eastern Slovenia.


News in English Bad luck in Podgorica serves as additional motivation for Zahović

6. 9. 2018Not counting Roam Bezjak, the Slovenian national soccer team is still waiting for a goal from a forward since the retirement of Milivoje Novaković in June 2017.


Slovenia Revealed A Controversial Co-Founder of Yugoslavia

31. 8. 2018Anton Korošec, a priest-turned-politician, was one of the key people behind the Slovenian people’s struggle for autonomy in the 20th


News in English Slovenia’s biggest triathlon event scheduled for Sept. 1 in Bled

26. 8. 2018" Because it’s the most beautiful event ," is what most people say when asked why they decided to take part in the traditional Triglav Triathlon.


Slovenia Revealed A Newspaper that Shaped the Slovenian Language

22. 8. 2018Modern-day Slovenia has a lively media scene, but in the 19th century, the Slovenian language struggled for parity against German in everyday life.

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