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Italia Scosse di terremoto sono state avvertite questa mattina nelle aree della Carnia in Friuli

11. 8. 2018Le prime due scosse di maggiore intensità sono state registrate in rapida successione poco prima cv delle 5 e mezza di questa mattina: la prima, di magnitudo 3.0 è stata avvertita alle 5.26 la ...


News in English Ads for renowned brand shot using workforce on free trial

4. 8. 2018The Bas Production company boasts a wide range of renowned brands for which they havebeen shooting advertisements.


Slovenia in Numbers In 2017, 72% of households in Slovenia could afford holidays

4. 8. 2018In 2017, 72% of households in Slovenia could afford one-week holidays outside home for all household members, which was three percentage points more than in the previous year and the most since we ...


Slovenia in Numbers For the first time in ten years beer exports exceeded imports

3. 8. 2018Since 2007 the first Friday in August has been celebrated worldwide as the International Beer Day, a day dedicated to all beer lovers, brewers, hops producers and pub owners. Consumption


Slovenija Oglasi za prepoznavne blagovne znamke z delovno silo na brezplačni preizkušnji

3. 8. 2018Produkcijsko podjetje Bas Production se lahko pohvali s širokim naborom prepoznavnih blagovnih znamk, za katere so snemali oglase, a oglasi nastajajo pod vprašljivimi praksami z vidika pravic ...


News in English Mura Biosphere Reserve declared at UNESCO conference

28. 7. 2018Mura Biosphere Reserve has been declared at the annual conference of UNESCO’s Human and Biosphere programme in Palembang, Indonesia.


Slovenia Revealed A Creative Life on Stage

24. 7. 2018Considering its size, Slovenia has an exceptionally vibrant theater tradition.


Italia Italia contraria alla legge per la cittadinanza austriaca agli altoatesini.

23. 7. 2018L'Italia chiede chiarimenti all'Austria a seguito delle notizie apparse sabato sul quotidiano austriaco Tiroler Tageszeitung circa la presentazione in Parlamento il prossimo primo settembre di un ...


Slovenia in Numbers In 2017, every week 189 Slovenian citizens and 147 foreigners emigrated from Slovenia

21. 7. 2018In 2017, 3,300 Slovenian citizens immigrated to Slovenia, as did 15,500 foreign citizens. Nearly 9,900 Slovenian citizens and almost 7,700 foreign citizens emigrated from the country.


Croazia Euforia nazionale

17. 7. 2018D: Ieri per la nazionale croata un ricevimento trionfale. R: “La Croazia ha vissuto questo mondiale di calcio con euforia. Penso si possa usare tranquillamente questo termine.


Slovenia Revealed An Inn Beneath a Mountain Pass

16. 7. 2018Even in a country known for its scenery, the mountain village of Jezersko stands apart with its views of the surrounding peaks.


Koda Hrvaško sodišče: valutna klavzula v CHF je nična

13. 7. 2018Višje gospodarsko sodišče na Hrvaškem je po poročanju nekaterih medijev na drugi stopnji ugotovilo, da je bila valutna klavzula pri kreditih v kunah z valutno klavzulo v švicarskih frankih nična.


Slovenia Revealed An Inn Beneath a Mountain Pass

11. 7. 2018Even in a country known for its scenery, the mountain village of Jezersko stands apart with its views of the surrounding peaks.


Slovenia Revealed Bridging the Centuries

10. 7. 2018These days, the Slovenian town of Zidani Most is best known as a railroad junction.

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