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News in English Perpetuum Jazzile: Thank you for the music

26. 4. 2014On 9 and 10 November 2013, the Perpetuum Jazzile musical ensemble marked its 30th anniversary with its biggest concert spectacle so far - THE SHOW - in front of an audience of 20,000 in Stožice ...


Evrovizija Foto in video: Evrovizijski oder pripravljen čaka prve izvajalce

23. 4. 2014Samo pet dni pred začetkom prvih evrovizijskih vaj so organizatorji letošnje Evrovizije predstavili prostor, v katerega bodo tri majske večere uprte skoraj vse evropske oči - oder.


News in English The gang and the hockey

13. 4. 2014Esad Babačić is a man of stories; he sings about them, he writes them and he explores them. He is a poet, singer, writer and journalist. Esad Babačić is an artistic soul who adores sport. In the ...


News in English Prosecution moves ahead in Stožice case

10. 4. 2014The Prosecutor's Office has filed a request with the court to investigate three of the five accused in the case of the Stožice arena in Ljubljana.


News in English Football final will be Maribor vs Gorica

3. 4. 2014After a 1:1 draw between Olimpija and Maribor in the Stožice sports arena in Ljubljana, Maribor managed to secure a spot in the national finals.


Nogomet Po smrti delavca gradnja stadiona v Sao Paulu obstala

1. 4. 2014Na stadionu Itaquerao v Sao Paulu, ki bi moral 12. junija gostiti uvodno tekmo svetovnega prvenstva v nogometu med Brazilijo in Hrvaško, so ustavili gradnjo.


Nogomet Bo Ronaldhinov Porto Alegre ostal brez tekem?

25. 3. 2014Zamude in težave brazilskih prirediteljev svetovnega nogometnega prvenstva so vse večje: župan Porta Alegra je priznal, da lahko mesto ostane brez tekem mundiala.


Nogomet Zaradi transparenta zaprt del Allianz Arene, Bayern bo odštel še 10.000 evrov

24. 3. 2014Disciplinska komisija Uefe je Bayern kaznovala z zaprtjem dela tribune na četrtfinalni tekmi Lige prvakov proti Manchester Unitedu.


News in English Massi's announcement of leaving, maybe a motivation tactic

14. 3. 2014Team to aMaze isn't just an ordinary team. Sometimes you have the impression it's a group of arch enemies and sometimes they're a team that functions so well that it could move mountains.


Zimski športi V Kranjski Gori se obeta boj za veliki kristalni globus v toplem vremenu

5. 3. 2014Kranjska Gora bo ob koncu tedna gostila tekmi svetovnega pokala alpskih smučarjev za 53. pokal Vitranc. Obeta se zelo zanimiv boj za veliki kristalni globus.


Lokalne novice Glina je Stanko Hrastelj povsem zasvojila

5. 3. 2014P esnica, pisateljica in prevajalka Stanka Hrastelj se ob literarni dejavnosti vse bolj posveča tudi keramiki. Z možem Borutom Cafuto sta tako odprla celo svoj atelje Bernhard manufaktura, v katerem ...


Nogomet 100 dni do SP-ja in šova z Messijem, Neymarjem, Ronaldom ...

4. 3. 2014V domovini petkratnih svetovnih prvakov nimajo prav veliko razlogov za slavje in odštevanje dni do začetka svetovnega prvenstva 2014, saj Brazilijo čaka še veliko dela.


Glasba Frank Turner: "Sovražim The Black Eyed Peas, hudiča, sovražim to skupino."

4. 3. 2014Šolal se je s princem Williamom in rastel s hardcore pankom. Frank Turner je vse, razen povprečni kantavtor. Trubadur s težavno preteklostjo, so zapisali na britanskem Guardianu, še preden je polnil ...


Zimski športi Zelena luč za 53. Pokal Vitranc v Kranjski Gori

26. 2. 2014Tekme svetovnega pokala v alpskem smučanju v Kranjski Gori in Lenzerheideju so dobile zeleno luč Mednarodne smučarske zveze.


News in English Agitation at Stožice – Zoran Predin hits a judge on the head

20. 2. 2014Basketball players of the Union Olimpija team have lost against Budivelnik with 83:87 at the Stožice Arena in their last game of the Eurocup. The game that had not meant anything in the competitive ...


News in English The Russians rewarded the Lynx both with silence and applause

14. 2. 2014It is the second time in a row that the Winter Olympic Games are being held in a country where ice hockey has the status of a religion. Therefore the home team has only one goal – to win the Olympic ...

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