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Evropska unija EU obljublja na tisoče novih brezplačnih brezžičnih točk

30. 5. 2017Svet EU-ja in Evropski parlament sta v okviru projekta WiFi4EU dosegla dogovor o zagotavljanju brezplačnega dostopa do spleta na javnih mestih v več tisoč mestih po Evropi.


News in English A relaxed get-together of NATO’s first ladies (and gentleman); Melania meets Cerar’s partner

26. 5. 2017US First Lady Melania Trump socialized with PM Cerar’s partner, Mojca Stropnik, in Brussels. Stropnik reportedly invited the famous native of Sevnica to visit Slovenia.


Gospodarstvo Bo iz Slovenije prišel Uber finančnega sveta?

26. 5. 2017Mlado slovensko podjetje Iconomi želi pretresti temelje industrije upravljanja sredstev. Z množično prodajo (ang.


News in English Slovenia is recognised as one of the most sustainability-oriented countries

21. 5. 2017The Slovenian Tourist Board (STB) is the recipient of a prestigious prize in the field of sustainable tourism, the World Legacy Award, which is awarded each year by National Geographic.


Številke Kletvice so tabu, delno so dovoljene le v avtu

19. 5. 2017300 kosmatih medvedov; pojdi v tri krasne; kadar Matija zmrzuje, še 40 dni mraza prerokuje. To je le nekaj oblik pojavljanja številk v folklornih obrazcih. Ta teden na podkastu Številke


Slovenia in Numbers The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day focuses on the meaning of big data

17. 5. 2017World Telecommunication and Information Society Day: in Slovenia big data are generated by 64% of persons aged 16–74 that use the Internet every or almost every day and by 2.3 million mobile network ...


Evropska unija Ste povprečen prebivalec Evrope? Preverite v infografiki.

9. 5. 2017Ob dnevu Evrope je evropski statistični urad Eurostat predstavil podatke o profilu povprečnega prebivalca in prebivalke Evrope.


News in English Marko Grobelnik - Digital Ambassador

7. 5. 2017In September 2016, the government appointed Marko Grobelnik as the country’s digital ambassador, who will promote e-inclusion for all during his four-year term.


News in English A New Life For The Hipster “Bulli”: A Pub On Wheels

13. 4. 2017Last summer Matej Špehar found an almost completely destroyed Volkswagen hippy van in the river bed of the Rižana River. The van had no owner, no engine, and no wheels.


Zgodbe Predstava kot opozorilo, da internet ni resnični svet

7. 4. 2017Zgoraj: dijakinje dramsko-gledališke smeri Gimnazije Nova Gorica po eni od prejšnjih predstav. Foto: Gimnazija Nova Gorica


Zgodbe Žare Veselič na Fidžiju živi robinzonsko življenje

5. 4. 2017Fotograf iz Portoroža Žare Veselič , tudi nekdanji snemalec na TV Koper-Capodistria, je pred 14 leti med enim od številnih potovanj pristal na Fidžiju.


News in English In 2015, 15% of theatrical performances were by professional puppet theatres

21. 3. 2017The idea of proclaiming 21 March the World Puppetry Day was given by the Indian puppeteer Dadi Pudumjee in 2002 at the meeting of UNIMA, the International Puppetry Association.


Avtomobilnost Pametne pnevmatike bodo zmanjšale stroške lastništva avtomobila

17. 3. 2017Avtomobilske pnevmatike, tako kot avtomobili, postajajo vse pametnejše, v prihodnosti bodo s senzorji javljale vsako morebitno poškodbo, pravočasno bodo voznika obvestile o izrabljenosti, ...


News in English Children lured into sexual intercourse, videos shared as trophies

7. 3. 2017Crime investigators from the Celje, Maribor, Novo Mesto, Koper, Murska Sobota, Kranj and Ljubljana areas conducted 15 house searches today in search of evidence of criminal activities involving the ...

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