17. 4. 2018The coastal resort of Portorož is best known for its large hotels and beaches, but on the outskirts of the town, a small peninsula provides a far more intimate setting: It is covered with trees, ...
16. 4. 2018The Exhibition and Convention Center in Ljubljana hosted the 11th International Tattoo Convention, where 80 tattoo artists from 13 countries showed off their skills.
16. 4. 2018Odbojkarice Nove KBM Branik so v finalu državnega prvenstva delo opravile brezhibno in bile tudi na tretji tekmi boljše od Calcita Volleyja. Tekmicam niso prepustile niza.
12. 4. 2018Not long after the Wright brothers took to their air in their pioneering heavier-and-air flight, two Slovenian brothers who, like the Wrights, owned a bicycle shop, decided to make aviation history ...
5. 4. 2018Il Comitato Esteri della Camera di Stato ha discusso stamane delle posizioni del governo in merito alla vicenda Skripal, l'ex agente del KGB avvelenato a Londra assieme alla figlia.
3. 4. 2018Lea Sirk will perform her song “Hvala, ne!” at the second Eurovision semifinal in Lisbon on Thursday, May 10. The Portuguese national broadcaster RTP has revealed the official running order for the ...
3. 4. 2018On the 1st of April the windows in booths at toll stations were closed and barriers raised. On the 1st of April Dars activated an electronic toll system for heavy vehicles for the first time.