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News in English We are an independent gallery, run by a small artistic community with a big dream

18. 8. 2018Highly regarded for her active contribution to the local contemporary and urban culture for the past 15 years, Piera is passionate about art and culture, and has collaborated with many artists and ...


News in English Supreme Court clears way for another referendum on Koper-Divača rail project

15. 3. 2018The Supreme Court on Wednesday annulled the result of the September referendum on the law governing the financing of the second railway track between the port of Koper and the inland hub of Divača.


Slovenia Revealed An Industrialist’s Pond

1. 1. 2018The Koseze Pond in the Ljubljana neighborhood of the same name was the unintended result of an industrial project.


Avtomobilnost Yamahin poltovornjak za aktivni življenjski slog

1. 11. 2017Yamaha na avtomobilskem salonu v Tokiu predstavlja privlačno konceptno vozilo, ki ponuja dovolj prostora za štiri potnike in dva motocikla.


News in English Radenci Health Resort celebrates 135th anniversary

3. 10. 2017The Radenci Health Resort used to be a tourist hotspot before the country of Yugoslavia broke up.


News in English Relive the story of engineer Maks Klodič on a train ride through the Bohinj Tunnel

22. 5. 2017The Museum of Gorenjska and the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers recently restored a rail car that now houses an exhibition dedicated to Maks Klodič, a prominent Slovenian engineer.


News in English Putin wants Russia to participate in the construction of second railway track

10. 2. 2017At the beginning of their meeting in Moscow, Slovenian president Borut Pahor and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin expressed hope that Pahor's visit to Russia would strengthen economic ties ...


News in English Slovenia trying to secure EU funding for second railway track between Koper and Divača

6. 2. 2017According to Infrastructure Minister Peter Gašperšič, Slovenia is trying to secure nearly 70 million euros in EU funding for the construction of the second railway track between the port of Koper ...


Svet Bombni napad na sufijsko svetišče v Pakistanu

12. 11. 2016Najmanj 43 je mrtvih in več kot 100 ranjenih v bombnem napadu na sufijsko mošejo v Beludžistanu v Pakistanu, kjer so verski vodje v času napada izvajali damal, poseben ples, ki jih zamakne v ekstazo.


Znanost in tehnologija Slovenski Sinergise zmagal na tekmovanju Evropske vesoljske agencije

26. 10. 2016Slovensko podjetje Sinergise je zmagalo na mednarodnem tekmovanju s področja uporabe satelitskih podatkov Copernicus Masters, ki poteka pod okriljem Evropske vesoljske agencije.


News in English Sports venues for every taste

18. 9. 2016Slovenia could be said to be one great natural sports venue, and its diverse geography provides opportunities for a wide range of different sporting activities.


Razstave V galerijo s človekovim najboljšim prijateljem

22. 8. 2016Dominic Wilcox, umetnik, ki se opisuje kot "ponovni izumitelj normalnega", je v londonski galeriji postavil razstavo, namenjeno psom.


Gospodarstvo Kaj lahko slovenska podjetja ponudijo Esi? Veliko.

26. 7. 2016V Sloveniji je veliko visokotehnoloških podjetij, ki si želijo ali pa že sodelujejo z Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo.

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