13. 3. 2016Presenečenja v Pokalu FA se nadaljujejo. Nogometaši Arsenala so na stadionu Emirates izgubili četrtfinalno tekmo proti Watfordu z 1:2. Manchester United je remiziral z West Hamom (1:1).
12. 3. 2016Romelu Lukaku je z dvema goloma v zadnje četrt ure potopil Chelsea v četrtfinalu Pokala FA (2:0). Londončani tako v letošnji sezoni ne bodo osvojili nobene lovorike.
8. 3. 2016Nogometaši Arsenala so se uvrstili v četrtfinale Pokala FA, potem ko so na ponovljeni tekmi osmine finala s 4:0 premagali Hull v gosteh. Prva tekma se je končala brez golov.
28. 2. 2016"Among the stars, day and night, this world is turning," sang Majda Sepe , first with a small accompanying band, then with Nino Robič and an entertainment orchestra of RTV Ljubljana, and later with ...
26. 2. 2016Na seznamu najbolj nenavadnih knjižnih naslovov lanskega leta najdemo med drugim naslove razprave o kulturni zgodovini anusa in o kultnem filmu, pa tudi knjigo intervjujev s priznanimi opazovalci ...
21. 2. 2016Na derbiju osmine finala angleškega Pokala FA so nogometaši Chelseaja premagali Manchester City s 5:1. Gostje so zaigrali s petimi mladimi nogometaši, ki so debitirali v članski ekipi.
12. 2. 2016Ljubljana’s National and University library holds all printed material published in Slovenia – and is one of the capital’s architectural jewels.
8. 2. 2016On Sunday evening, before the Slovenian cultural holiday, the Cankar Cultural Centre hosted the Grand Prešeren Awards and the Prešeren Fund Awards.
6. 2. 2016The National Gallery shines in new glory in the New Year following the completion of renovation of its oldest section which started three years ago.
9. 1. 2016Osrednji obračun 3. kroga FA-pokala je bil dvoboj Tottenham - Leicester City, ki krojita vrh Premier lige. Lisice so minute ločile od napredovanja, ko so podarile Spursom enajstmetrovko.
1. 1. 2016A series of short stories written over a century ago to needle the establishment remains popular reading in Slovenia, entertaining both young and old readers with lessons that are as relevant today ...
10. 12. 2015The policemen on strike gathered at the protest rally in front of the government palace and waited in vain for the representatives of the government.
7. 12. 2015Kalifornijski hiphoper Kendrick Lamar ima največ želez v ognju na podelitvi glasbenih nagrad grammy 2016 - nominiran je v kar 11 kategorijah, med drugim v kategoriji album leta.
26. 11. 2015Even greater danger than political activism in science is the possibility that anthropologists become too fragmented and lose their voice within society, claims the German anthropologist Joana ...