6. 7. 2015The Valvasor International Graphic Days at the Bogenšperk castle are reviving Valvasor's graphic workshop – the first graphic workshop in Slovenia.
15. 5. 2015S poletnim urnikom Adria Airways leti na šestih novih rednih linijah – iz Ljubljane v Berlin in Stockholm, iz Maribora na letališče London Southend, iz Tirane v Pariz in Bruselj ter iz Lodža v ...
4. 5. 2015Peter Florjančič’s life reads like a movie plot: At various points in his life, he was an Olympic skier, a refugee, an inventor of products used by millions, and a bon vivant who hobnobbed with the ...
4. 4. 2015Britanski rocker David Bowie, ki slovi po drznosti in eksperimentiranju, je napisal novo glasbo in priredil stare skladbe za muzikal Lazarus.
1. 4. 2015The safe, which the students from the Želimlje high school came up with at an international physics tournament, is described by their mentor, Peter Šlajpah, as being "the right amount annoying, but ...
30. 1. 2015In 1846, Slovenia suddenly became a smaller place. That was the year when the first railroad came to the Slovenian part of the Hapsburg Empire.
14. 1. 2015Long before the industrial era, the craft of shoemaking shaped the fortunes of Tržič. The tradition survives to this day and has left an indelible mark on this northern Slovenian town and its people.
13. 1. 2015In the 1970s and ‘80s, Igor Akrapovič was Slovenia’s leading motorcycle racer. During his racing career, he became intimately familiar with motorcycle exhaust systems.
30. 12. 2014Candle making is a Slovenian tradition with ancient origins. Now a new generation of craftsmen is using old techniques to create striking new designs.
1. 11. 2014The brand new catalogue of this year's Liffe Festival promises Time to play, and the 98 feature films include everything, from the Croatian film on war of liberation to the winners of all the larger ...
2. 10. 2014The perfection of Japanese craftsmen, durability, quality, and a thoughtful approach to wood design. Those are the features of the products made by Slovenia's Studio Drevo company.