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Kisebbségben A lendvai csúcstalálkozó hozadéka a határ menti régiók fejlesztésének lehetőségét biztosítja

24. 2. 2022Janez Janša és Orbán Viktor miniszterelnökök Lendván aláírták a szlovén-magyar határ mentén elterülő nemzetiségileg vegyesen lakott térségek gazdaság- és társadalomfejlesztéséről szóló együttműködési megállapodást. Ennek gyökerei 2019-be nyúlnak vissza.


#MMCdebata "Slovenija je talec levo-desnega ping ponga že 30 let"

29. 5. 2021"Ta naš parlament je tako nesinhroniziran z voljo ljudstva, da se je povsem izrodil," je bil le eden izmed odzivov MMC-jevih bralcev na izraz "viseči parlament", ki se v javnem diskurzu v zadnjem času pojavlja precej pogosto.


News in English Cracks appear in Slovenian government as development minister resigns

13. 11. 2018Slovenia's development minister resigned on Tuesday over a transgression linked to EU funding allocations, exposing the first cracks in a fragile minority coalition government that took office in ...


News in English Head of Slovenia's largest party tells president he cannot form government

19. 7. 2018The head of the largest party in Slovenia’s parliament, the anti-immigrant Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS), told President Borut Pahor on Thursday he did not yet have sufficient support to become ...


News in English Slovenian president moves closer to nominating Jansa as prime minister

6. 7. 2018Slovenia's president on Friday moved closer to nominating Janez Jansa as prime minister but his centre-right party lacks enough coalition partners to form a majority so he may decline, analysts said.


News in English Slovenia faces political uncertainty after election

4. 6. 2018Slovenia looked set on Monday for a period of political uncertainty on Monday after an inconclusive parliamentary election in which the anti-immigrant Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) won most seats ...


News in English Anti-immigration party wins Slovenia elections

4. 6. 2018An anti-immigration opposition party won Slovenia's parliamentary election on Sunday, taking 25 percent of the vote, according to preliminary results.


News in English Elections in Slovenia: Anti-immigrant party tipped to win

3. 6. 2018The head of the anti-immigrant party widely tipped to win national elections in Slovenia on Sunday said forming a government would not be easy, as he cast his ballot in a town in the country's east.


News in English Slovenia to hold early election on June 3

14. 4. 2018Slovenia will hold an early general election on June 3, President Borut Pahor announced on Saturday, a month after centre-left Prime Minister Miro Cerar resigned over a legal obstacle to a ...


News in English Slovenian PM Cerar resigns as pressure mounts ahead of election

15. 3. 2018Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar resigned late on Wednesday, hours after a key investment project hit a legal obstacle, saying he had also had enough of obstruction from his coalition partners ...


News in English Slovenian PM hopeful aims to slash red tape, reform courts

6. 3. 2018A former comedian tipped to become Slovenia's next prime minister said on Tuesday he would slash red tape to boost investment and shake up the electoral and judicial systems if his party wins June's ...


News in English Slovenian President Pahor fails to win majority, faces runoff

22. 10. 2017Slovenian President Borut Pahor will face a second-round election on Nov. 12 after he fell short of a majority in Sunday's first round, as he tries to win a second five-year mandate.

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