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Iskanje • space-economy

space economy
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Italia L'aula approva il ddl Spazio. Per l'opposizione "un regalo a Musk"

6. 3. 2025Con 133 voti favorevoli, 89 contrari e due astenuti, la Camera italiana ha approvato il disegno di legge sulle disposizioni in materia di economia dello spazio. Il provvedimento passa adesso all'esame del Senato.


Ob osmih Matevž Frangež: V Eso vstopamo na pragu nove vesoljske tekme

10. 1. 2025Slovenija ima s polnopravnim članstvom v Evropski vesoljski agenciji priložnost za veliko gospodarsko preobrazbo, če se le ne bomo predajali malodušju, pravi Matevž Frangež.


Italia Urso: "l'Italia tornerà al nucleare"

30. 12. 2024Verranno realizzati reattori di nuova generazione, prima gli Smr e poi gli Amr, ovvero i piccoli reattori, puliti e sicuri, realizzati su base industriale, adattabili, componibili e trasportabili in un container


Italia Italia: in arrivo il braccialetto smart per monitorare il Covid

24. 7. 2021Un metodo per tenere sotto controllo la diffusione del virus, secondo i promotori del progetto di telemedicina denominato “Telemachus”.


Mondo Elon Musk annuncia l’avvio del turismo spaziale

8. 2. 2021I posti per il primo viaggio saranno assegnati con una lotteria, ma la società SpaceX non è l’unica a puntare allo sviluppo della “Space Economy”.


News in English 3D printer brings together engineering students and Slovenia’s automotive industry

3. 10. 2018Ljubljana Faculty of Mechanical Engineering opened a laboratory for 3D printing, which according to investors, is probably the most innovative business model for connecting Slovenia’s science and ...


News in English The development of one of the artistic treasures of Slovenia

25. 2. 2017The Ljubljana Dramatic Society was a pioneer of modern Slovenian theatre; It has thus witnessed three important stages in its history: the early organisation of theatrical practices, their ...


News in English Expo 2015 pavilion in new function

29. 7. 2016The pavilion that represented Slovenia at the Expo 2015 show in Milan was handed over to the municipality of Murska Sobota by the President of the Government Miro Cerar and the Economy Minister ...


News in English What can Slovenian companies offer to ESA? A lot.

27. 7. 2016Slovenia has a lot of high-technological companies already cooperating, or wishing to cooperate with the European Space Agency.


News in English WoodWay: Where wood and fashion meet

13. 12. 2015The story of WoodWay, a boutique offering unique wooden fashion accessories, started when a young Slovenian couple on a trip to Stockholm by a lucky coincidence saw wooden watches.


News in English Joana Breidenbach: Anthropologists are in danger of losing their voice

26. 11. 2015Even greater danger than political activism in science is the possibility that anthropologists become too fragmented and lose their voice within society, claims the German anthropologist Joana ...


News in English Medvedev: The Ukrainian crisis can be resolved only in Ukraine by the Ukrainians

25. 7. 2015"The EU is, in spite of everything, our biggest partner. This means we need each other. Europe needs the Russian market, Russia needs cooperation with Europe," the russian prime minister Dmitry ...


News in English Privatisation a hard sell to Slovenians wary of foreign masters

9. 4. 2015Plans to sell state-controlled Telekom Slovenia is testing the country's resolve to reshape an economy that two years ago nearly joined the likes of Greece and Cyprus in seeking an international ...


News in English Erjavec: sanctions against Russia did not affect Slovenian companies; drop in rouble exchange rate did

20. 1. 2015"According to information I have I believe that Danilo Türk has a fair chance of succeeding with his candidacy," Karl Erjavec said, and continued that since Türk is well known in the international ...


News in English Railway Slovenia's best bet

15. 12. 2014Europe is looking for a new story of revival of its economy, which won't be possible without investments into traffic and transport.

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