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Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Livia

15. 4. 2019

Does the Erasmus experience really change you or does it just bring out what was already somewhere inside you? Well, our newest Study Abroad guest believes it’s the latter. Why was Livia basically homeless for the first two weeks in Ljubljana and why is she now considering staying in Ljubljana for the long-haul? He music choice was the song Like I Love You by Lost Frequencies ft. The NGHBRS.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Takuya Nakaizawa

8. 4. 2019

This week’s Study Abroad guest comes from Japan! Takuya Nakaizawa is not just a student at Ljubljana's Faculty of Arts. He also teaches Japanese there! When it comes to partying, he says he can't understand how students who party every night can stay motivated for their studies. In Japan, parties look very different from those that take place here. Back home, he'd meet with his friends, chat, eat something, play a game and go home.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Aleksandra

1. 4. 2019

Aleksandra has had such a good experience of studying in Ljubljana, that she put it down as her second choice for her next Erasmus experience. She says that here, her studies at the Faculty of Medicine are much less stressful than in Poland but are of no less quality. Why is that so? Listen to the interview with our newest Study Abroad guest to find out!

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Marco

25. 3. 2019

Meet Marco! The Italian student of pharmacology says he expected Ljubljana to be bigger. The city has about half the inhabitants of Bologna, which the Erasmus student considers to be an average-sized Italian city. Since he’s studying pharmacology, he chose to play the song Paracetamolo by Calcutta. Paracetamolo is Italian for paracetamol, a medication used to treat pain and fever.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Melissa

18. 3. 2019

She didn’t expect Ljubljana to be as big, but Melissa says she fell in love with the city at first sight. One of the main reasons she chose Slovenia was because one of her friends went to Ljubljana the year before and kept posting beautiful pictures and saying she was having the time of her life. Plus, Slovenia was different from the countries most of her friends who went on Erasmus chose. For her music choice, she decided on the song New Estate by Giant Rooks.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Jonasz

11. 3. 2019

Unlike most students, Jonasz did not want to spend his Erasmus in Spain, France, or Portugal. As a child he spent a few days in the Julian Alps. This left such an impression on him, that he decided he wanted to come and live in Slovenia for a few months at one point in his life, so when he got an opportunity to spend his Erasmus in Slovenia, he took it. His music choice was Czesław Niemen's 1967-piece Dziwny jest ten świat (Strange is this World), commonly acknowledged to be the most important Polish protest song of that era. One of the first Polish performers to wear colorful clothes and long hair, Niemen introduced the style of psychedelia to then-communist Poland.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Nadica

18. 2. 2019

Nadica chose to study in Slovenia for three reasons. The first was the nature in Slovenia, the second reason was that she wanted to go study outside her own country and the third was the study system and opportunities she believes it offers its students. The informatics student from the Republic of North Macedonia used to be part of a folklore dance group, so she tried learning some Slovenian traditional dances as well. She finds them just as fast but a bit less complex than the Macedonian ones. For her music choice, she chose to play Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Ksenia

11. 2. 2019

Did you know that entry to some museums in Ljubljana is free of charge every first Sunday of the month? Ksenia says that despite being the smallest of the cities she has studied in so far, Ljubljana has a lot to offer – nature, helpful people, parties and lots of other things to do and see. For her music choice, she chose to play Donde Estas Yolanda by Pink Martini.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Rosannne

4. 2. 2019

People sometimes joke drinking is a national sport in Slovenia. Our newest guest Rossane thinks there might be a grain of truth to that. The Erasmus student from the Netherlands says she was surprised by the amount of parties and drinking culture in Maribor. What else did she perceive as different when compared to the Netherlands? Listen and find out! Her music choice was Stolen Dance by Milky Chance.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Muhammet

28. 1. 2019

Muhammet decided to spend his Erasmus in Koper because it was located at the seaside. He said it reminded him a lot of his home university city, Izmir as well as the city he was born in, Mersin. They are all relatively small, coastal cities with beautiful mountains and lots of opportunities to enjoy life. His music choice was Do I Wanna Know? by the Arctic Monkeys.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Mihail

7. 1. 2019

Mihail is a student of medicine, who spent 3 months doing an internship at the University Medical Centre in Maribor. Our newest Study Abroad guest says what he misses most from Belgium is fries and chocolate. His music choice was Leave a Light On by Tom Walker.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Manuel

31. 12. 2018

Did you know? On New Year’s Eve, young people in Italy welcome in the New Year together with their families and only then, around 1 AM do they go hang out with their peers at discos or night clubs! For more on Christmas traditions in Italy and how our newest Study Abroad guest Manuel has gotten used to life in Koper, listen to the latest episode of Study Abroad. His music choice was the song Lost in Japan by Shawn Mendes & Zedd.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Dušan

24. 12. 2018

Since Serbia is mostly Orthodox, Christmas there is celebrated on January 7th, but Dušan says that that's about the only difference. What he did notice, however, is that people in Slovenia often complain that Christmas lights are put up as soon as November in some places. In Belgrade, they’re apparently set up as early as September! Dušan says one of the reasons he decided to spend his Erasmus in Koper was that he wanted to experience living at the seaside during winter. What does he think now his wish has become reality? His music choice was a song called Then by Anne-Marie.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Katsiaryna

17. 12. 2018

Pre-exam exams? Post soviet style professors? Ever wondered if there’s any difference between studying in Koper, in Belarus, and Poland? Meet Katerina. She chose to spend her third Erasmus at the Faculty of Management in Koper because of the Slavic culture and coastal climate. What surprised her, was that we were "less Slavic" than she expected and that the Slovene language wasn’t quite as easy to understand as she thought it would be. Her music choice was a song called Sleep On The Floor by The Lumineers.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Kuba & Filip

10. 12. 2018

Our newest episode of Study Abroad features not one but two guests from Poland. After Kuba and Filip applied for their Erasmus at the University in Ljubljana, they found out their faculty was not based in Ljubljana, but Portorož. So, they decided to stay in Koper and drive to Portorož for lectures. Their music choice was a song titled Ściernisco, by a polish band Golec uOrkiestra, which they say is again starting to get popular in Poland, despite the fact the song was released in 2000.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Anil

3. 12. 2018

Why doesn't this week's Study Abroad guest miss his mom's cooking? Press play to find out! Anil says the main reason for choosing to do his Erasmus in Ljubljana was because the Faculty of civil engineering offers lectures by a number of professors he did not want to miss. Apart from studying, the Turkish student also made several friends during his stay in Slovenia. Since his name is not quite so simple to pronounce for his non-Turkish speaking Slovenian friends, they gave him a Slovene name – Alen. His music choice was The Greatest by Sia ft. Kendrick Lamar.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Charline

26. 11. 2018

Charline says she didn’t experience any culture shock when coming to Slovenia, but notes her studies in Ljubljana do differ in a few ways from her home University of Maastricht (in the Netherlands) – concerning difficulty, style of lectures, ... to find out exactly in what way, listen to this week’s edition of Study Abroad! Her music choice was Sam Smith’s Too good at Goodbyes.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Karin

19. 11. 2018

Would you consider Slovenia exotic? Karin choose Slovenia for her Erasmus exchange since it was located the furthest from Estonia, so she thought it might be the most exotic. She says her Slovenian friends often get a laugh out of the fact that at 318m above sea level, Suur Munamägi (or Big Egg Mountain) is the highest peak in Estonia. But, on the other hand, her home country also has 2,355 islands - a number Slovenia can’t hope to compete with. Her music choice was Shadowplay, a song from an Estonian indie rock band called The Boondocks.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Berra

12. 11. 2018

Meet Berra! After finishing her electrical engineering studies in Turkey, she came to Ljubljana for a couple of months to do some practical work at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. She says Ljubljana has the same vibe as her home university town Eskisehir. This in part contributed to her not experiencing any form of culture shock in Slovenia. The things she misses most here are her family and Turkish food. Her music choice was a song titled Öp (kiss) by the Turkish singer-songwriter Tarkan.

Study abroad STUDY ABROAD: Sara

5. 11. 2018

Sara says her studies and lifestyle in Slovenia don't differ all that much from Spain, but notes accomodation in Ljubljana is cheaper. Despite also saying the Spanish and Slovenian language are completely different, Sara has picked up a few basic words, which is commendable! But then again she also speaks Basque, which is not only unrelated to the other languages of Europe, but also a language isolate to any other known living language. Her music choice was a song titled Oblit from a Spanish band called Urfabrique.

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