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News Slovenia and Denmark draw 1:1

20. 6. 2023Slovenia is still in a good position but will have to wait until the autumn for further matches.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: Mladi in šport

16. 6. 2023Evropska komisija je lani septembra objavila peto raziskavo Eurobarometer o športu in telesni dejavnosti, ki je pokazala, da je največ tistih, ki redno telovadijo, starih med 15 in 24 let, nato se delež zmanjšuje s starostjo.


News Tour of Slovenia starts today

14. 6. 2023The 29th Tour of Slovenia kicks off today and will see cyclists race around the country for the next five days.


News Cedevita Olimpija win 3rd title in a row

11. 6. 2023Basketball team Cedevita Olimpija won its 3rd Slovenian championship title last night, and 20th in total.


News Magna will return €22.1 million to Slovenia

30. 5. 2023Minister Han today announced that Magna will return €22.1 million to Slovenia. The returned funds will consist of an additional financial incentive of €18.5 million and €3.5 million in interest.

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