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News Boston Celtics alleiniger NBA-Rekordchampion

18. 6. 2024Dončić hat sich noch nicht dazu geäußert, ob er für Slowenien beim Olympia-Qualifikationsturnier spielt


News Slovenia Draw With Denmark in First Game of Euro 2024

16. 6. 2024Veteran Danish striker Christian Eriksen put the Danes in front in the 17th minute with a lovely finish from Jonas Wind's pass. Erik Janža equalised in the 77th minute after a period of sustained pressure from Slovenia.


News Bilbao wins 4th stage of Tour of Slovenia

15. 6. 2024Spanish cyclist Pello Bilbao won today the 4th stage of Tour of Slovenia also known as the queen stage.


News Opposition Democrats win EU election, as right wing gets five MEPs

10. 6. 2024The opposition Democratic Party (SDS) has won the EU election in Slovenia and will get four of the country's nine seats in the European Parliament.


News Roglič strengthens lead with second consecutive win in Critérium du Dauphiné

8. 6. 2024Slovenian cyclist Primož Roglič secured his second consecutive stage win in the Critérium du Dauphiné today, solidifying his lead in the overall standings.


Coming up Oddaja Euranet Plus, 1.6.

31. 5. 2024Pregledali smo novosti v Evropi in EU in podrobneje preverili tudi selitev slovenskega predstavništva v nove prostore v Bruslju. V prispevku Euranet Special pa o tem, kaj lahko EU stori, glede ohranjanja kupne moči prebivalstva. Prisluhnite!


News Pogačar Wins Queen Stage of Giro d'Italia in Spectacular Fashion

19. 5. 2024The stage, which was over 222 km long, began on the shores of Lake Garda and finished near the border with Switzerland. It incorporated the most climbing metres of any of the last 30 Grand Tours. Pogačar won in just under 6 hours and 12 minutes.


Events Radio Si bo že deseto leto prenašal največjo četvorko maturantov v Sloveniji

15. 5. 2024Kar 17 slovenskih mest in 23 mest po Evropi pleše istočasno v četvorki v torek, 21. maja, točno ob 12:00. Za prenos glasbe na vsa prizorišča bo poskrbel Radio Si. Vabljeni tudi k nagradni igri.


Fresh Cut Deep Purple – Portable Door

13. 5. 2024Angleška rock zasedba Deep Purple je s prihajajočega albuma "=1", ki bo izšel 19. julija, izdala prvi single z naslovom Portable Door.


News Pogačar Wins Stage 2 of Giro d'Italia, Takes Over Race Leader's Jersey

5. 5. 2024Pogačar won stage 2 of the Giro d'Italia, or Tour of Italy, despite a crash after suffering a puncture before the final climb to Oropa. He attacked on the climb with about 4.5 km of the stage to go. He took victory on the 161 km stage by 27 seconds.

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