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On demand • strike

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News Emergency services on strike

19. 2. 2024Emergency dispatchers have begun a strike, but it will not affect calls to the emergency number.


News Emergency dispatchers to go on strike in 8 days

11. 2. 2024Emergency dispatchers have announced they will go on strike next Monday, February 19th due to stalled public sector pay talks, citing low wages and unfilled vacancies.


News Administrative units going on strike today

29. 1. 2024Clerks in 41 out of 58 administrative units went on strike today. They demand improved pay and increased staffing levels, citing the overwhelming workload, particularly related to processing cases involving foreigners.


News Icy weekend overhwhelms hospitals

22. 1. 2024Dozens of patients were operated this weekend in both Ljubljana and Maribor after sustaining fractures.


News Doctors' and dentists to go on strike tomorrow

14. 1. 2024Doctors and dentists are to go on a general strike tomorrow. The Fides trade union of doctors and dentists expressed disappointment with the government’s proposal, adding they expect a new proposal by noon tomorrow when the negotiations are to resume.


News Judges to go on a 14-day work-to-rule strike

5. 1. 2024Judges have decided to go on a work-to-rule strike from January 10 to January 24,  to pressure the government into implementing a Constitutional Court decision on their pay.


News Prosecutors joined judges in token strike today

4. 1. 2024Slovenian prosecutors joined judges in a one-hour strike today to protest the government's failure to align their pay with top officials.


News Another storm wreaks havoc across Slovenia

19. 7. 2023A young woman was killed in Bled by a tree knocked down by a fierce storm that swept through Slovenia this afternoon and caused much damage all across the country.


News Slovenian Miners Celebrating Miners' Day

3. 7. 2023Miners across the country are celebrating Miners' Day today and commemorating a 5-day hunger strike in the Zasavje region, or Central Sava Valley, in 1934.


News Journalists at public broadcaster RTV Slovenija on 24-hour strike

4. 4. 2023Journalists at public broadcaster RTV Slovenija are staging a day-long strike today against the leadership appointed under the previous government.


News It’s still unclear whether doctors and dentists will go on strike on Sunday

29. 3. 2023The government today presented its proposal for setting up the announced separate pay tier for the healthcare within the public sector. The trade union of doctors and dentists Fides said the proposal was modest but a step in the right direction.


News Teachers' trade union strike committee to decide on agreement on pay

9. 3. 2023The teachers' trade union SVIZ and the government reached a strike agreement yesterday.  It comes a year after the union staged a strike demanding better pay.

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