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News Parliamentary Leaders Hold Meeting to Discuss Flood Rehabilitation Plans

18. 8. 2023The leaders of the parliamentary parties met today to discuss measures to help those affected by the recent flooding. More than 40 suggestions were made, including solidarity working Saturdays and subsidies for interest on loans for new equipment.


News Farmland damage in northeastern Slovenia estimated up to EUR 40m

27. 7. 2023Extreme weather including downpours, hail, and strong winds has caused significant damage to farmland in northeast Slovenia this year, with local officials estimating the damage at up to EUR 40 million.


News Magna will return €22.1 million to Slovenia

30. 5. 2023Minister Han today announced that Magna will return €22.1 million to Slovenia. The returned funds will consist of an additional financial incentive of €18.5 million and €3.5 million in interest.


News Carthago launches new plant in Ormož

15. 4. 2023The German-owned caravan manufacturer Carthago today inaugurated its new factory in Ormož in northeastern Slovenia.


News Nordic World Ski Championship draws to a close

6. 3. 2023The 2023 Nordic World Ski Championship was hosted by Planica between the 21st of February and the 5th of March.


News Youth Climate Strike in Slovenia

3. 3. 2023A youth climate strike was held in the streets of Ljubljana and Maribor today.


News Government adds three new ministries

24. 1. 2023The government reshuffle was delayed by an opposition referendum. Today's reshuffle includes nine new ministers and three new ministries. The total number of ministries has now risen to twenty.


News Government reshuffling today

24. 1. 2023New ministers will be appointed in a new way of working.


Radio Si Prehranjevalne navade mladih

6. 12. 2022V okviru projekta Our Food. Our Future društva Focus je na Centru za socialno psihologijo (CSP) na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani potekala raziskava o prehranjevalnih navadah mladih.


Radio Si SPOTLIGHT, 21 Sep: Youth employment during & after pandemic

19. 9. 2022The contents of the latest edition of SPOTLIGHT were made possible with financial support from the EU.


Events Radio Si ExClusive: Glastonbury festival ends with joyous celebration

12. 7. 2022One of the most popular music and contemporary performing arts festivals in the world GLASTONBURY came to a close end of June.

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