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Coming up Big Screen: V kina prihaja Mož iz ozadja

31. 1. 2019Na redni spored kinematografov danes prihaja komična biografska drama Vice/Mož iz ozadja.


Euranet Plus Prvi prizor za boljše razumevanje gledališke umetnosti

9. 11. 2018Prvi prizor sta dve besedi, ki povezujeta zanimivo dogajanje in kar nekaj deležnikov na kulturnem področju v Sloveniji.


On this day 10 April

10. 4. 2018In 1847 the American-Hungarian newspaper publisher, Joseph Pulitzer is born.


News Literat Möderndorfer erhält den Grum Preis

9. 4. 2018Der diesjährige Grum Preis für den besten Drama Theatertext wurde gestern zum Abschluss der „Woche des slowenischen Dramas“ im Theater in Kranj an Vinko Möderndorfer für den Text „Romeo und Julia ...


Coming up Teden slovenske drame se začenja

27. 3. 2018V Prešernovem gledališču Kranj se danes 27.3. ob svetovnem dnevu gledališča začenja Teden slovenske drame.


On this day 29 February

27. 2. 2018In 1420 following the death of the last Count Frederick III of Ortenburg, who died without heirs, Count Herman II of Celje inherited his estates


News Pahor to visit South Korea

16. 2. 2018President Borut Pahor will visit South Korea tomorrow. This will be the first time a Slovenian president has visited the country. Pahor will attend the Winter Olympic Games and meet with officials.


On this day 10 February

8. 2. 2018In 1837 at the age of 37 Russian writer Aleksander Sergejevič Puškin, author of the drama Boris Godunov and the novel in verse Eugine Onegin, dies in a duel.


On this day 10 January

4. 1. 2018In the year 1815 the French naturalist and doctor Balthasar Hacquet, who from 1778 to 1789 explored our region and was the first to write Slovenian place names.


News In Maribor endet das 52. Borštnik-Theaterfestival

29. 10. 2017Mit einer Preisverleihung endet heute in Maribor das 52. Borštnik-Theaterfestival.


News Filmfestival von Piran klingt aus

8. 10. 2017In der Küstenstadt Piran ging gestern das achte Festival des europäischen und des mediterranen Films zu Ende.


On this day 28 August

9. 8. 2017In 1749, the German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is born. He wrote short epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther and epic closet drama Faust.

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