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Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/GenZ: Konferenca o prihodnosti Evrope

13. 5. 20229. maja se je v Strasbourgu zaključila enoletna konferenca o prihodnosti Evrope. Kot prvi tovrsten dogodek je ljudem iz vse Evrope omogočala, da delijo svoje zamisli in sodelujejo pri oblikovanju naše skupne prihodnosti.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/GreenDeal: Podnebna anksioznost

11. 3. 2022Mladi v prihodnost zrejo z veliko skrbjo in odgovornostjo, k čemur pozivajo tudi odločevalce, ki po njihovem mnenju k tej problematiki pristopajo premalo resno.


Radio Si Slovenians optimistic about the EU

12. 2. 2021A survey shows the majority of Slovenians optimistic about EU's future.


Sweet spot Sweet Spot

17. 5. 2019For music lovers, curious one and the belly dancers Captain Soul takes you to the one spot where all kinds of different music genres melt through rhythm, sound and the soul in one universal message ...


Radio Si Ankaran to Ban Plastic Bags

21. 10. 2018The municipality of Ankaran has launched a campaign to eliminate the use of plastic bags within its boundaries.


Radio Si Ceremony at Teharje Memorial Park remembers post-war killing victims

1. 10. 2017A commemoration ceremony for some 5,000 victims of war and post-war killings was held at the Teharje Memorial Park near Celje today. A mass was said by Celje Bishop Stanislav Lipovšek.

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