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Euranet Plus Oddaja Euranet Plus 9.6.2018

9. 6. 2018Ves teden so po Evropi in dlje odmevale slovenske volitve, analitiki in novinarji so se posvečali nastalim razmeram in možnim koalicijam, se spraševali o poti, ki jo bo ubrala naša država.


News Democrats win election, but coalition problems expected

4. 6. 2018The right-wing Democrats are a clear winner of Sunday's general election. The party won nearly 25% of the vote, but forming a coalition could be a major problem, analysts say.


News Blackout sets in ahead of Sunday's election

2. 6. 2018A blackout period set in at midnight today prior to Sunday's general election. All propaganda aimed at convincing voters to support any party is banned until the polls close at 7 PM tomorrow.


Radio Si Evropski poslanci o prihodnosti EU

30. 5. 2018Pred nami so parlamentarne volitve, tudi jesen bo v znamenju lokalnih volitev, a kaj kmalu se bomo podali tudi na evropske volitve. Do njih nas loči samo leto dni.


Euranet Plus »Jezik v evropskem parlamentu je abstrakten in daleč od src ljudi,« meni Tanja Fajon

26. 5. 2018Letošnji vrh projekta Euranet Plus, v katerem sodelujeta tudi RTV Slovenija in Radio Si, #EuranetPlusSummit , se je osredotočil na vpliv brexita v EU, na volitve v EP, ki bodo že prihodnje leto in ...


On this day 27 April

25. 4. 2018In 1791 the American inventor Samuel Morse is born. He contributed to the invention of the single-wire telegraph system and was a co-inventor of the Morse code.


News President calls election date for 3rd June

14. 4. 2018President Borut Pahor has called the general election for 3 June. He will sign the decree to dissolve the National Assembly today.


Radio Si Oddaja Euranet Plus 17.2.2018

17. 2. 2018K sreči je za nami teden, ki po dolgem času ni prenesel pregrevanja glav in prelomnih novic, povezanih z Evropsko unijo, zato se lahko bolj mirno posvetimo pregledu dogajanja.


Euranet Plus Katalonske volitve in EU

30. 12. 2017Glavni poraženec nedavnih regionalnih parlamentarnih volitev v Kataloniji je španski premier Mariano Rajoy.


Radio Si Italian president dissolves the parliament before the election

29. 12. 2017Yesterday the Italian President Sergio Mattarella signed a decree to dissolve the parliament. New elections will be held on March, the 4th. With this act, the election campain is officially underway.


On this day 4 December

30. 11. 2017In 1875, Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke is born. In 1926, Slovene artist Ivana Kobilca dies. In 1949, American film actor Jeff Bridges is born.

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