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News New Cycling Route Between Celje and Žalec To Open in June

28. 4. 2024The route in the picturesque Savinja Valley will come in at a cost of around 4.5 million Euro, of which approximately one third will come from the Municipality of Žalec as part of a regional development agreement.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/ Kaj lahko EU naredi bolje glede upravljanja migracij?

26. 4. 2024Migrirati, zapustiti svojo državo in se naseliti na drugem ozemlju, da bi živeli boljše življenje, je zapisano v DNK človeštva ... Kaj lahko EU naredi bolje na področju upravljanja migracij?


News We today mark Earth Overshoot Day

25. 4. 2024Slovenia today observes Earth Overshoot Day. Also known as Ecological Debt Day, it marks the point when the annual biocapacity of Earth would be used up if everyone lived like people in Slovenia do.


News Slovenia's orchards and vineyards hit hard by frost

24. 4. 2024The recent frost has heavily impacted orchards, vineyards, and various crops across Slovenia, with the most severe damage reported in the southwest regions.


News Police raids at the DARS company

23. 4. 2024The National Bureau of Investigation is conducting searches at the DARS motorway company and its former management due to suspected abuse of office and bribery.


News Pirc Musar hosts presidential summit on the 20th anniversary of EU membership

22. 4. 2024President Nataša Pirc Musar will today receive her counterparts from Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Austria. Their visit marks the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's joining the EU.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Gen Z: Onkraj predstavniške demokracije: posvetovanje z državljani

19. 4. 2024Evropske volitve se nazadržno bližajo in ob tem se, ob že pregovorni nizki udeležbi, odpirajo tudi vprašanja o spremembi sistema volitev, predvsem med mladimi, ki so se z leti v zelo majhnem številu udeležili evropskih volitev. Prisluhnite in preberite!


News PMs of Slovenia and Spain discuss recognition of Palestine

17. 4. 2024Slovenian PM Golob and Spanish PM Sanchez met in Ljubljana to discuss the current situation in Gaza and their joint initiative to recognize an independent state of Palestine.


News Slovenia's President in Kosovo

15. 4. 2024Slovenian President Nataša Pirc Musar reaffirmed Slovenia's support for Kosovo's path towards the EU.


News Slovenia warns against travel to Iran

13. 4. 2024Slovenia warned its citizens not to travel to the country over worries about a potential conflict.


News Russia expels a Slovenian diplomat

12. 4. 2024Russia's decision comes after Slovenia's move to expel a Russian diplomat from Ljubljana in March.

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