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On demand • svetovni-dan

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On this day 14 June

11. 6. 2018In 1864 the German doctor Alois Alzheimer is born. The neurological Alzheimer disease is named after him. In 1868 in Vienna the Austrian immunolog Karl Lansteiner is born.


Euranet Plus Z evropskimi sredstvi do boljšega ohranjanja žive narave v Sloveniji

1. 6. 2018Slovenija se ponaša z eno najvišjih biotskih pestrosti v Evropi, ki pa po, besedah strokovnjakov, ni dovolj prepoznana in zato ne dovolj cenjena.


Radio Si Izluščeno: Svetovni dan brez tobaka

31. 5. 2018Vsako leto 31. maja po vsem svetu obeležujemo svetovni dan brez tobaka. Na ta dan se, pogosteje kot sicer, opozarja na posledice uporabe tobaka.


On this day 1 June

29. 5. 2018In 1875 in Berlin the Universal Postal Union, which after the World War II underwent a series of organizational and technical changes. Slovenia was incorporated into it in 1992.


Coming up Svetovni dan biodiverzitete - 22. maj

21. 5. 2018Pred vrati je Svetovni dan biodiverzitete - 22. maj. Takrat na Zemlji dobesedno praznujemo vse živo na našem planetu, vključno z nami.


On this day 25 May

18. 5. 2018In 1681, the most important representative of the Spanish Baroque playwright Pedro Calderon de la Barca dies in Madrid. In 1883 the Brooklyn Bridge in New York is opened.


On this day 23 May

18. 5. 2018In 1906 the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen dies. His most important works are Nora, Ghosts, Enemy of the People, The Lady from the Sea.


Coming up Brez čebel ne bo tebe, mene, nikogar

17. 5. 2018Slovenija se pripravlja na prvi Svetovni dan čebel. Upravičeno, saj je bila pobudnica zanj. Ob poplavi svetovnih dnevov smo tako končno dobili enega, ki opozarja na življenjsko pomembne procese.


On this day 1 May

25. 4. 2018In 1493 the Swiss physician, chemist and philosopher Paracelsus is born. He recognised the chemical and physical foundations of the living world, which he tried to use the medicine.


On this day 22 April

19. 4. 2018In 1370 in Paris the construction of the Bastille begins. For most of its history it was used as a prison by the kings of France. In 1724 the German philosopher Immanuel Kant is born.


On this day 7 April

4. 4. 2018In 1348 the first University in Europe is established in Prague. In 1795 the 'metre' became a new official measurement unit. In 1827 English chemist John Walker invented wooden matches.


Coming up Teden slovenske drame se začenja

27. 3. 2018V Prešernovem gledališču Kranj se danes 27.3. ob svetovnem dnevu gledališča začenja Teden slovenske drame.

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