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On demand • svetovni-dan

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Coming up Svetovni dan voda v znamenju ure za zemljo

22. 3. 2018WWF-ova pobuda Ura za Zemljo (Earth Hour) bo ponovno združila na milijone ljudi po vsem svetu.


On this day 27 March

20. 3. 2018In 1845 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, who discovered the X-ray, is born. X-rays brought significant progress in the development of medicine.


On this day 22 March

19. 3. 2018In 1749 Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German author, poet, playwright and philosopher, is born. His most important work is Faust. In 1924 the Slovene poet Ivan Minatti is born.


On this day 21 March

16. 3. 2018In 1685 the German composer Johann Sebastian Bach is born. He composed numerous concerts, oratorios and masses. In 1839 the Russian composer Modest Petrovič Musorgski is born.


On this day 18 March

13. 3. 2018In 1871 The Paris Commune is formed. The people of Paris rise up against the government fearing it will restore the monarchy.


On this day 8 March

4. 3. 2018In 1618 Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion. In 1910 the American socialists first demonstrated in favour of the equality of women.


On this day 1 March

27. 2. 2018In 1565 the city of Rio de Janeiro is founded. In 1692 the first Salem witch trials began. In 1921 the satiric masterpiece ‘The Good Soldier Schweik’ is published.


Coming up Redek dan za posebne ljudi

27. 2. 201828. februarja obeležujemo svetovni dan redkih bolezni. Prvič smo ta dan obeležili leta 2008, in sicer 29. februarja , ki nastopi na štiri leta in tako ponazarja pojem redkosti.


On this day 26 February

23. 2. 2018In 1770 Italian Baroque composer and violinist Giuseppe Tartini dies. In 1797 the Bank of England issues the first one pound note. In 1802 French poet and novelist Victor Hugo is born.


Radio Si Svetovni dan maternega jezika

21. 2. 2018Besede vam lahko sporočajo, kar želijo. Brez jezika bi bilo to veliko teže. Danes praznujemo svetovni dan maternega jezika.


On this day 21 February

18. 2. 2018In 1842 John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine. In 1878 the first telephone directory was published in Connecticut.


On this day 19 February

17. 2. 2018In 1473, Polish scientist and founder of modern astronomy Nikolaj Kopernik is born. In 1660, the German doctor Friedrich Hoffmann is born.

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