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News Pogačar Wins Queen Stage of Giro d'Italia in Spectacular Fashion

19. 5. 2024The stage, which was over 222 km long, began on the shores of Lake Garda and finished near the border with Switzerland. It incorporated the most climbing metres of any of the last 30 Grand Tours. Pogačar won in just under 6 hours and 12 minutes.


Events Radio Si bo že deseto leto prenašal največjo četvorko maturantov v Sloveniji

15. 5. 2024Kar 17 slovenskih mest in 23 mest po Evropi pleše istočasno v četvorki v torek, 21. maja, točno ob 12:00. Za prenos glasbe na vsa prizorišča bo poskrbel Radio Si. Vabljeni tudi k nagradni igri.


Fresh Cut Deep Purple – Portable Door

13. 5. 2024Angleška rock zasedba Deep Purple je s prihajajočega albuma "=1", ki bo izšel 19. julija, izdala prvi single z naslovom Portable Door.


News Pogačar Wins Stage 2 of Giro d'Italia, Takes Over Race Leader's Jersey

5. 5. 2024Pogačar won stage 2 of the Giro d'Italia, or Tour of Italy, despite a crash after suffering a puncture before the final climb to Oropa. He attacked on the climb with about 4.5 km of the stage to go. He took victory on the 161 km stage by 27 seconds.


News 1.Mai - Internationaler Tag der Arbeit

1. 5. 2024Der heutige 1. Mai -- Tag der Arbeit war im Zeichen zahlreicher Veranstaltungen.


News Celje is national champion

29. 4. 2024Celje only needed a draw to win the championship, but secured it by defeating Ljubljana.


Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/ Kaj lahko EU naredi bolje glede upravljanja migracij?

26. 4. 2024Migrirati, zapustiti svojo državo in se naseliti na drugem ozemlju, da bi živeli boljše življenje, je zapisano v DNK človeštva ... Kaj lahko EU naredi bolje na področju upravljanja migracij?


News 20 Jahre NATO-Beitritt Sloweniens

28. 3. 2024Staatspräsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar betonte bei der nationalen Feier zum 20. Jahrestag des NATO-Beitritts Sloweniens die Sicherheit, die das Bündnis garantiere.


News Tadej Pogačar Wins Tour of Catalonia

24. 3. 2024He won in a sprint finish, ahead of France's Dorian Godon and Guillaume Martin. Afterwards, he admitted that the original plan had been to help his teammate Marc Soler to win the stage. However, he said that he was happy he could take victory instead.

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