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Namesto tega išči:

Euranet Plus Euranet Plus Special/Green Deal: Kako se prilagoditi ekstremnim vremenskim dogodkom?

10. 11. 2023Klimatologinja Lučka Kajfež Bogataj pravi, da bo vremenskih ekstremov v prihodnosti vedno več – torej zelo vročih, skoraj nevzdržnih poletij, obilnih nalivov, ki lahko povzročijo poplave pa tudi sušnih obdobij. Pojavijo se lahko tudi zimske poplave.


News Clean-up efforts continue in Slovenia after devastating floods

10. 8. 2023Hydrological conditions are calming down in Slovenia, after the devastating floods. Relief and clean-up efforts continue.


News Slovenia to get EUR 400 million from the EU Solidarity Fund

9. 8. 2023Flood relief and clean-up equipment and crews continue to arrive to Slovenia from abroad, particularly helicopters and heavy machinery.


News Aufräumarbeiten in vollem Gange

8. 8. 2023Auch erste Helfer aus dem Ausland sind bereits vor Ort. Der 14. August wurde zum Tag der Solidarität und zum arbeitsfreien Tag erklärt.


News Major clean-up efforts underway across flood-hit Slovenia

7. 8. 2023Even though the weather is calming down, flooded areas persist along the Mura, Drava and Sava rivers, among others.


News EU Civil Protection Mechanism activated for flood-hit Slovenia

6. 8. 2023The country has mainly requested heavy machinery along with their operators, and prefabricated temporary bridges.

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